Epidemiology PhD Curriculum

The PhD program requires 90 credits, broken down into the following categories:

Categories Credits
Core Coursework 36 credits
Elective Coursework 39 credits
Dissertation Research 15 credits
Total 90 credits

In addition, there are two prerequisite courses that must be completed in the first semester of your program.


Core Courses (36 credits)

Statistics and Data Management (8 credits)

Epidemiologic Methods (15 credits)

Choose 9 additional credits from the below courses:

Doctoral Series (6 credits)

Writing Series (2 credits)

Ethics (2 credits)

Measurement (3 credits)

Elective Courses (39 credits)

Statistics Electives (6 credits)

Choose from the below courses:

Epidemiology Electives (18 credits)

Choose from the below courses. Any core course offering not already taken for credit can also apply to this section.

General Electives (15 credits)

Choose any course relevant to your research interests or career goals. Any of the above listed courses not already taken for credit can also apply to this section.

Dissertation Research (15 credits)

Optional Concentrations

Concentrations allow PhD students to focus their elective coursework toward a single content area that interests them. All concentrations are completely optional, and students may enroll in up to two concentrations. All departmental concentrations are 9 credits and require that students submit either 1) dissertation aims, or 2) a first-authored publication, that documents independent research in the area of the concentration.

Cancer Epidemiology

Concentration Coordinator

Name Title Business Phone Email
Lusine Yaghjyan Lusine Yaghjyan Associate Professor (352) 294-5940

Data Science Epidemiology

*Substitution with one of the courses listed below is permitted with approval of concentration director:

PHC 6937: Causal Inference (3 credits, Biostatistics)
PHC 6937: Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in Health Sciences (3 credits, Biostatistics)

Concentration Coordinator

Name Title Business Phone Email
Mattia Prosperi Mattia Prosperi Professor And Associate Dean For AI And Innovation (352) 273-5860

Genetic Epidemiology

Concentration Coordinator

Name Title Business Phone Email


Concentration Coordinator

Name Title Business Phone Email
Catherine L Striley Catherine L Striley Associate Professor (352) 273-5359

Infectious Disease Epidemiology

Concentration Coordinator

Name Title Business Phone Email
Volker Mai Volker Mai Associate Professor (352) 273-9398

Psychiatric Epidemiology

Concentration Coordinator

Name Title Business Phone Email
Catherine L Striley Catherine L Striley Associate Professor (352) 273-5359

Clinical and Translational Science Interdisciplinary Concentration

The Department of Epidemiology participates in the Clinical and Translational Science Interdisciplinary Concentration offered by the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI). Students must complete a separate application in order to enroll in this concentration. For more information about the concentration, visit the CTSI website.

  • GMS 6847: Translational Research and Therapeutics: Bench, Bedside, Community, & Policy (3 credits)
  • GMS 6893: Clinical and Translational Science Seminar Series (2 credits)
  • GMS 6895: CTS Journal Club (1 credit)
  • GMS 6945: Team Science (1 credit)
  • GMS 7877: Responsible Conduct of Biomedical Research (1 credit)
  • Choose 6 credits from approved CTS elective courses.

Program Administrator

Name Title Business Phone Email
Christian A Rodriguez Christian A Rodriguez Academic Program Spec II (352) 294-8335