Impacting the Future of Health Care Delivery
Welcome to the department of Health Services Research, Management and Policy! We educate and empower our students to advance health services research and make a difference in their roles as future healthcare leaders. Through research and community engagement, we drive innovation and excellence in health services practice and policy. Our students are prepared to lead health organizations across the continuum of care.

Our Academic Programs
Health Administration

Master of Public Health
Population Health Management

PHD in Public Health
Health Services Research Concentration

Health Administration

Our Research
Faculty in the department are conducting a number of studies aimed at maximizing the health, well-being, participation and quality of life throughout the lifespan.
A Note From the Department Chair
“As health care becomes even more complex,
and as artificial intelligence permeates our world,
it’s imperative that we have well-trained graduates
who are versed in understanding and using big data
to make important decisions that impact our future.”
— Dr. Lee Revere,
Professor and Florida Blue Endowed Chair
Recent News
Diabetes Core Update
Dr. Ashby Walker appears on the American Diabetes Association monthly podcast to discuss the findings of her new study on Project ECHO Diabetes (begins at 34:33).
People who experience language problems after stroke have larger financial burden, study finds
Compared to stroke survivors who do not have language problems, those with aphasia had 21% lower income and 7% lower wealth.

Emergency care options multiply as four hospital systems expand Into Lakeland
Dr. Keith Benson discusses the building boom of Lakeland health care facilities with LkldNow.
Our Mission
The mission of the Department of Health Services Research, Management and Policy at the University of Florida is to:
- Prepare highly qualified and motivated students in our master’s degree programs to become effective managers and leaders of health care and public health organizations.
- Educate outstanding doctoral students to become health services researchers who contribute to the body of knowledge regarding the organization, delivery, and financing of health services.
- Conduct research that achieves national, peer recognition for its contribution to creating new knowledge and for its value in informing health services practice and policy.
- Serve as active participants and leaders in our University,
professional, and health services communities.
Contact us!
If you have questions about our programs, research or department, please reach out to us!

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