How to Apply
Campus Bachelor/MS Combined Degree Program

To apply to the biostatistics combined degree program, applicants should submit a completed application package to Malayshia King ( electronically by April 15. This includes the following the following:

Applicants will be expected to have taken the following coursework: Calculus III, a linear algebra course, and an introductory statistics course.

Additional requirement: Once formally accepted into the combination degree program, applicants will also need to apply to the UF Graduate School before beginning the MS portion of the combined degree. Applicants should not apply to the UF Graduate School until they have received the official acceptance letter for the combination degree program.

All students are expected to meet the minimal admission requirements of the University of Florida’s Graduate School, which include:

  • Baccalaureate degree from an accredited university or college
  • Junior-senior level grade point average of 3.0
  • A completed application for Graduate School, including a letter of intent, official transcripts, completed application form, and three letters of recommendation

Accepted graduate students will need to update and finalize their combined degree program form and ensure proper filing with the registrar’s office so full credit will be received for shared coursework.

Send questions to Malayshia King (