What is the average GPA and observation hours for the entering class?
Generally, the average GPA is about a 3.8 for upper division coursework and a 3.65 for prerequisite coursework.
Our average number of observation hours for accepted students is 200-300 and in 3-5 different clinical settings.
How does the program look at prerequisite courses taken more than once?
We will calculate the grades from all attempts at prereq courses into your GPA.
Can I attend your DPT program as a part-time student? Can I complete the program online?
No, our curriculum is set up so that all our students go through the program as a cohort full time. The DPT program does not offer an online curriculum. View the DPT curriculum.
Does the University of Florida accept credit transferred from another DPT program?
We do not accept transferred credit from other DPT programs. Applications are accepted from students with credit from other DPT programs, however, all students accepting admission to the UF DPT program are expected to complete the full DPT curriculum and will not be exempted from any coursework.
What do I need to do to become a Florida resident? How do I change my residency to Florida?
Your residency is determined by the UF Registrar’s Office. Non-Florida residents abide by a separate tuition fee schedule. Accepting a non-resident offer of admission, the applicant agrees to pay the out-of-state tuition rate for all three years of the DPT program, regardless of any change in residency status.
I am a student with a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy, can I apply to your DPT program?
We are not able to accept students with previous physical therapy degrees. Since the program is an entry-level clinical program, it is only open to those who have not yet completed clinical training in the field.
Does UF accept prerequisite coursework taken via AP or IB?
We will accept AP or IB credit for prereq courses provided the course names and number of credits received appear on your undergraduate transcript and the credit was awarded within the last 7 years. Here is a list of DPT prereq courses.
Does UF accept prerequisite coursework taken online?
We will accept prereq coursework taken online from an accredited U.S. college or university, however, we do prefer lab courses to be taken in person. Here is a list of DPT prereq courses.
When are applications due for Fall admissions? Are there Spring or Summer admissions, too?
The application deadline is November 1st. All materials due to arrive at PTCAS and the University must be received (not postmarked) in the department by November 1st. We only accept students for Fall admission. Here is how to apply.
What should I take as an undergraduate major?
We accept any undergraduate major, as long as our prerequisite courses are completed successfully.
Do I need to have my degree completed by the time I apply?
No, you just need to complete your degree prior to the entering the program if you are offered admission.
Do you give preference in the admissions process to Florida residents, or to University of Florida graduates, or to students with specific majors?
No, we evaluate candidates on the merits of their application packets without any preferences as far as residency, institution attended or undergraduate major.
Do you accept prerequisite courses taken at community colleges?
Yes, we accept prerequisites from any regionally accredited college for courses that are applicable towards an AA or Bachelor’s degree.
Do I need to have all of the prerequisite courses completed prior to applying?
No, you need to have at least five of the prerequisite courses by the end of the summer term before applying. Any remaining prerequisite courses need to be completed prior to beginning the program if you are offered admission. Here are the DPT admissions criteria.
What kind of volunteer work or observations are required?
The key to your volunteer hours is to obtain a variety of experiences and to learn as much about the full scope of what a physical therapist does as possible. We ask that you have a minimum of ten hours experience in at least three different areas, one orthopedic setting, one neurological setting, and a third specialty area such as geriatric, pediatric, orthopedic, neurology, etc. The amount of time you spend observing and the variety of settings you observe, even over the required 40 total hours, factors into our admission decisions.
Where can I find information on obtaining observation hours?
Students who are looking for opportunities to volunteer in Gainesville can view the UF Health website for information. For other cities or other facilities in Gainesville, you should utilize Google searches, etc., to identify facilities and contact them directly to inquire about completing your observation/volunteer requirements.
Do I need all of my observation hours complete before I apply?
Yes, documentation of at least 40 hours in three settings (minimum of 10 hours in an orthopedic setting, a neurological setting, and a specialty setting) must be submitted and verified by the PT you observed under to PTCAS by the November 1st application deadline.
How can I find out if PTCAS has received my transcripts (or any other materials)?
Applicants must contact PTCAS directly at 617-612-2040. Please do not call the department as we do not have this information.
Will I be updated on the status of my application?
Although we do attempt to notify applicants of admission status, it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all materials are received by PTCAS and to inquire about their status. Updates and decisions are sent to applicants via email to the address provided in the PTCAS application.
Can family or friends inquire about my application status on my behalf?
No, we are not permitted to provide any information regarding an applicant’s status to anyone other than the applicant.
How many applicants are there annually and how many of these are accepted?
In 2022 we had over 700 applications. We seek to accept approximately 70 new students each fall.
How much does it cost to attend the DPT program?
Please review our financial aid pages.
Are there student assistantships or scholarships available for the DPT program?
We do not offer assistantships through the DPT program, but you may be eligible for certain financial aid or loans. You can contact the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships for more information on loans. Scholarships offered through the department are limited and information about these small awards is available on our departmental website. However, there is helpful information about general scholarships and grants on the American Physical Therapy Association website.