
The purpose of the Rehabilitation Science Doctoral Program is to educate/train doctoral students in the science of rehabilitation. This interdisciplinary program serves doctoral students in occupational therapy, physical therapy, and related fields. The program is designed for individuals to develop skills in teaching, research and service leadership in rehabilitation.


For admission to the PhD Program, you should:

  • Hold a baccalaureate degree in a field that can be applied to research in rehabilitation science;
  • Have professional/clinical experience in a rehabilitation related area;
  • Be committed to scholarly work in rehabilitation science;
  • Be committed to an interdisciplinary educational philosophy and training model.

The University of Florida Graduate School’s website has created a Program Profile where prospective students can find information about admissions, currently enrolled PhD student demographics, completion rates and time-to-degree, and post-graduation data including job placement and PhD student indebtedness.

Please contact Laura Quintana with any questions on the admission process.