Tuition and Fees

UF’s Master of Public Health Program offers competitive tuition for all students. Please note that the Online MPH program tuition is slightly different than the Campus MPH tuition. Tuition costs are based on the 2024-2025 academic year and excludes all fees. Tuition is subject to change between academic years. It is important that students are aware of the differences between the two program options. Please click here to learn more about the academic requirements for the Online and Campus MPH programs.

Campus MPH Program

Tuition for the campus-based MPH program may be assessed in two different ways: block tuition or billed per credit hour. Upon accepting an offer of admission, students must indicate the appropriate billing method for their particular situation.

Campus MPH Program Full-Time Tuition

Full-time students taking nine or more credits per semester (in both 48 credit and accelerated 42 credit programs) are billed in four equal block payments over their first four semesters enrolled, including summer. Current tuition block rates for the MPH program can be found on the university Bursar’s website by clicking the tuition and fee link for the current academic year and scrolling down to the bottom of the page.

Campus MPH Program Part-Time Tuition

Part-time students taking less than nine credits per semester, as well as students admitted to the collaborative degree programs, are billed at the MPH credit hour rate (calculated by dividing the semester block tuition rate by 12) when enrolled in MPH courses.

Campus MPH Tuition (In-State)

1 credit total number of credits total tuition Total fees*
$550.08 48 (traditional) / 42 (accelerated) $26,403.84 / $23,103.36 $4,177.44 / $3,233.16

Campus MPH Program Fees (In-State)*

Campus students pay either $87.03 per credit (48 credit program) or $76.98 per credit (42 credit program) for UF fees. This allows campus students to access the affiliated programs, whereas online students have limited access to some campus services.

UF Fees Assessed in this program? Amount per credit (48 credit) Amount per credit (42 credit)
Capital Improvement Fee Yes $6.76 $5.92
Student Financial Aid Fee Yes $27.50 $24.07
Technology Fee Yes $6.56 $6.56
Activity and Service Fee Yes $19.06 $16.68
Athletic Fee Yes $1.90 $1.66
Health Fee Yes $15.81 $13.83
Transportation Access Fee Yes $9.44 $8.26
Total Fees/Credit $87.03/Credit $76.98/Credit
Total Program Fees $4,177.44 $3,233.16

*Note – a complete breakdown of fees at UF is updated each academic year at

Estimated Total Cost for the Campus MPH Program (In-State)

48 credit (traditional program; includes tuition and fees) 42 credit (Accelerated program; includes tuition and fees)
$30,581.28 $26,758.62

Campus MPH Tuition (Out-of-State/International)

1 CREDIT Total Number of Credits Total Tuition Total Fees*
$550.08 48 (traditional) / 42 (accelerated) $26,403.84 / $23,103.36 $38,964.00 / $29,867.04

Campus MPH Program Fees (Out-of-State/International)*

Out-of-State/International students pursuing a campus-based MPH program pay either $811.75 per credit (48 credit program) or $711.12 per credit (42 credit program) for UF fees.

UF Fees Assessed in this program? Amount per credit (48 credit) Amount per credit (42 credit)
Capital Improvement Fee Yes $6.76 $5.92
Student Financial Aid Fee Yes $27.50 $24.07
Technology Fee Yes $6.56 $6.56
Activity and Service Fee Yes $19.06 $16.68
Athletic Fee Yes $1.90 $1.66
Health Fee Yes $15.81 $13.83
Transportation Access Fee Yes $9.44 $8.26
Non-Resident Fee Yes $690.21 $603.94
Non-Resident Student Financial Aid Yes $34.51 $30.20
Total Fees/Credit $811.75/Credit $711.12/Credit
Total Program Fees $38,964.00 $29,867.04

*Note – a complete breakdown of fees at UF is updated each academic year at

Estimated Total Cost for the Campus MPH Program (Out-of-State/International)

48 CREDIT (TRADITIONAL PROGRAM; INCLUDES TUITION AND FEES) 42 credit (Accelerated program; includes tuition and fees)
$65,367.84 $52,970.40

Campus Program Tuition Waiver Policy

Waivers can only be used in the campus program on a space available basis. For further information on waivers, visit the UF EEP information page.

Online MPH Program Tuition (All Geographic Locations)

Tuition for the online-based MPH program is set at a per credit rate. There is no block tuition option. All online program tuition is assessed at the same rate, regardless of residency status (either Florida or U.S.). There are, however, additional fees assessed for online courses. Online students pay a per-credit tuition rate of $550.00 per credit. Online students take classes at a rate of their choosing and pay each semester depending on how many credits they are registered for.

1 credit Total number of credits total tuition total fees
$550.00 48 (traditional) / 42 (accelerated) $26,400.00 / $23,100.00 $1,716.00 / $1,501.50

Online MPH Program Fees (All Geographic Locations)

Online students pay a fee rate of $35.75 per credit.

UF Fees Assessed in this program? Amount per credit
Capital Improvement Fee Yes $6.76
Student Financial Aid Fee Yes $22.43
Technology Fee Yes $6.56
Activity and Service Fee No $0
Athletic Fee No $0
Health Fee No $0
Transportation Access Fee No $0
Distance Learning Fee No $0
Total Per Credit $35.75/Credit
Total Program Fees $1,716.00 / $1,501.50

Estimated Total Cost for the Online MPH Program (All Geographic Locations)

48 credit (traditional program; includes tuition and fees) 42 credit (Accelerated program; includes tuition and fees)
$28,116.00 $24,601.50

Online Program Tuition Waiver Policy

The online Master of Public Health program is a self-funded program and traditionally does not accept UF EEP. The online program reserves the right to allow EEP tuition waiver use on a case-by-case basis, depending on space. Please contact for more information.

*Note that these programs are “self-supporting.” Per Florida Board of Governor Regulations 8.002, the term “self-supporting” describes a budgetary model and does not impact student financial aid eligibility. 

Employer Payments

If a student’s employer is paying all or part of the tuition payment, students must contact the UF Financial Services office to request an invoice for payment.

  • Employers must make tuition payments by the payment deadline for the semester.
  • Please make sure that employer-submitted payments contain a student’s name and UFID number.
  • Students who are on a reimbursement plan with their employer must make tuition payments by the semester deadline.

Financial Aid

  • Applications and eligibility requirements for financial aid can be found at the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) site. The University of Florida code for the FAFSA is 001535.
  • Domestic (U.S.) students who apply for the traditional, campus-based MPH program by February 15 for the following fall semester will automatically be considered for a limited number of one-time merit based Dean’s Scholarships. (Note: The online MPH program does not offer scholarships at this time.)
  • The College of Public Health and Health Professions also offers several scholarships to eligible students.
  • Other graduate funding resources can be found at UF Graduate School Funding Resources

For information regarding federal or private loan eligibility, or financial aid processing questions or concerns, please contact Student Financial Aid. For information on military benefits, please consult the UF Veterans Affairs website.


Graduate education is a costly investment. We highly encourage applicants to explore scholarship and funding opportunities both in and outside of the college to supplement the cost of tuition, fees, and living expenses. Please explore our Scholarships webpage for information about available Dean’s Scholarships. Though funding opportunities for international students are limited, the UF International Center (UFIC) has compiled a list of some available options. Please visit the UFIC Financial Resources webpage for additional information.

Loan Repayment

When you graduate or your enrollment status is less than half-time, if you have taken out any student loans, you are required to have an Counseling session with University Bursar (UB) at S-113 Criser. Exit Counseling is conducted through

Educational loans awarded by UF ( Perkins Loans and UF Institutional Loans, such as SAFE Loans) may be repaid in equal or graduated installments. The minimum monthly repayment for Federal Perkins Loans is $40. The university may require a minimum repayment for institutional loans of $30 a month.

For additional information regarding federal direct loan repayment options, please visit the UF Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Loan Repayment website.

You can also review the National Alliance of Public Health Students and Alums (NAPHSA) resource pages regarding student loan repayment.