Epidemiology, PhD

The PhD in Epidemiology is a terminal research degree granted on evidence of overall proficiency in epidemiology and particularly on the ability to apply the skills in an independent investigation as demonstrated in a dissertation presenting original research with a high degree of literary skill.



Epidemiology researcher on comber

The core coursework of the PhD program was designed to incorporate competencies recommended by the American College of Epidemiology and the Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists’ Applied Epidemiology Competencies: Competencies for Applied Epidemiologists in Governmental Public Health Agencies.

Graduates of the PhD in Epidemiology program will be able to:

  • Apply epidemiological methods to address critical and/or emerging public health and clinical research issues through the use of:
    • Appropriate epidemiological research designs
    • Advanced statistical analysis methods for health studies
    • Data structures and measurement methods for health research
    • Biological, behavioral, and social theories applied to the understanding and prevention of contemporary threats to health and well-being
    • Depth of knowledge in an area of specialization
  • Assimilate the history, philosophy, and ethical principles of epidemiology into current research
  • Develop grant proposals and manage research projects
  • Write scientific papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals, and communicate research results to scientists, policymakers, and the public
  • Compete successfully for research and teaching positions in academic institutions, federal or state agencies, or private institutions

100% of our graduates have secured employment or further education or training one year post-graduation.

The program consists of the following requirements:

  • 90 credits of coursework
    • 36 credits of core coursework
    • 39 credits of elective coursework
    • 15 credits of dissertation research
  • Formation of a Supervisory Committee of at least four members in the first year of the program
  • A 3.0 GPA overall and a 3.0 GPA in the epidemiology core courses
  • A 3.0 GPA in any minor course, if a minor is declared
  • Maintenance of appropriate professional conduct throughout the program
  • Successful completion of a preliminary and qualifying comprehensive examination
  • Preparation and successful defense of a dissertation proposal and admission to candidacy
  • Preparation and successful oral defense of a dissertation

Program Administration

Krishna Vaddiparti

Krishna Vaddiparti

Assistant Professor
Phone: (352) 273-5746