Accelerated MPH Degree

The accelerated MPH program is a 42-credit course of study designed for working professionals who hold a terminal degree in their field(s). This program is offered on-campus or online, and can be completed on either a part-time or full-time basis.


All professional students must complete 19 credits of core public health course work, 18 credits of coursework from their chosen concentration, 3 credits of Applied Practical Experience, and 2 credits of MPH Capstone. The curriculum has been designed to encourage the development of competence in key public health skills and to meet current standards in the field of public health, Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) accreditation criteria, and the college’s mission, goals and objectives.

Eligible Candidates

The accelerated program is limited to health professionals who possess the terminal degree in their field(s). This degree is typically at the doctoral level, but for some health disciplines, it may be at the master’s level.


Each concentration has unique requirements that have been designed to complement working professionals in their prospective roles in or related to public health.

Please select a concentration to review course requirements:

Graduation Requirements

All professional students must complete core public health coursework, coursework from their chosen concentration(s), an Applied Practice experience, and MPH Capstone.

Requirements for graduation from the accelerated MPH program are:

  • Public health core courses (19 credits)
    • Foundations of Public Health (3 credits)
    • Public Health Methods 1: Quantitative Foundations (3 credits)
    • Public Health Methods 1 Programming Lab: Statistical Applications (1 credit)
    • Social Determinants of Health (3 credits)
    • Public Health Leadership (2 credits)
    • Public Health Methods 2: Applications for Practice (3 credits)
    • Designing & Implementing Public Health Solutions (3 credits)
    • Professional Series (ProSeries) in Public Health (1 credit)
  • Core and elective coursework from their chosen concentration(s) (18 credits)
  • Applied Practice Experience (3 credits)
  • Capstone Project (i.e., Integrated Learning Experience; 2 credits)
  • The Interprofessional Learning in Healthcare (ILPH) course

For more information about our curriculum, check out our FAQs about the new curriculum starting Fall of 2025.

MPH Competencies

All students in the MPH program are expected to master a set of public health competencies during their studies. The core competencies are defined by the Council on Education in Public Health (CEPH, 2024), the accrediting body for public health schools and programs. The concentration competencies, defined by the faculty of the College of Public Health and Health Professions, were developed with consideration to the specialized concentration area, the 10 Essential Public Health Services, and are also consistent with CEPH accreditation standards.

Our core courses’ learning objectives were adapted, with minor changes, from the competencies that serve as the basis of the public health credentialing examination. In August 2008, The National Board of Public Health Examiners offered the first credentialing exam for graduates of accredited schools of public health. Those who pass the exam will be Certified in Public Health (CPH)Get up-to-date information about the exam.