There are several elements that must be completed to earn the Master of Public Health (MPH) degree.
Expectations for all students in the MPH Program
- Successful completion of the required program core courses (public health core, concentration core, electives, etc.) for the program to which you were admitted – The traditional MPH program (48 credits) and accelerated program (42 credits).
- Completion of required program courses with grades of C or better.
- Completion of the program with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
- Successful completion of Interprofessional Learning in Healthcare (IPLH)
- Successful completion of the PHC 6941 Applied Practice Experience.
- Successful completion of the PHC 6940 Integrated Learning Experience (ILE) and associated project (aka Capstone Project).
- Students must receive a grade of “Pass” on their Final Exam Milestone.