NP Coursework

The neuromuscular plasticity concentration requires 18 credit hours of coursework outside of other program requirements. This coursework provides students with a common background relative to movement science with emphasis on application to rehabilitation. Neuromuscular plasticty requires the coordinated interaction between neurons and muscles, and our program includes faculty studying all aspects of neuromuscular function. As such, course content encompasses the spectrum of neuromuscular plasticity ranging from genes and molecules to biomechanics. The program offers a core set of required classes to be taken by all neuromuscular plasticity students. After the required core program, students are encouraged to tailor the remaining concentration coursework to match their research aims.

Core Curriculum

All neuromuscular plasticity students are required to take at least three of the following four courses prior to graduation. The courses must be approved by the Primary Mentor and PhD Supervisory Committee.

  • RSD 6718: Neuroplasticity as a Foundation for Rehabilitation (3 credits)
  • RSD 6401: Skeletal Muscle in Aging & Disease, and Implications for Rehabilitation (3 credits)
  • RSD 6710: Motor Control: Translating from Fundamental Research to Rehabilitation Practice (3 credits)
  • APK 6226C: Biomechanics of Human Motion (3 credits)

Additional Concentration Coursework

This list provides a sampling of appropriate neuromuscular plasticity concentration courses but is not intended to be a comprehensive listing. Additional concentration coursework should be selected under the guidance of the Primary Mentor and PhD Supervisory Committee based on the student’s research aims.

  • APK 6116C: Physiological Bases of Exercise and Sport Sciences (3 credits)
  • GMS 6847: Translational Research & Therapeutics: Bench, Bedside, Community & Policy (3 credits)
  • APK 6118: Neuromuscular Adaptations to Exercise (3 credits)
  • GMS 5905: Biomechanics in Orthopedics and Rehabilitation (3 credits)
  • APK 7117: Exercise Metabolism (3 credits)
  • APK 7107: Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology (3 credits)
  • BCH 5413: Mammalian Molecular Biology and Genetics (3 credits)
  • RSD 6920: Muscle Journal Club (1 credit)
  • RSD 6920: Respiratory Neurobiology Journal Club (1 credit)
  • RSD 6930: Control of Breathing and Airway Defense (3 credits)