Rehabilitation Science PHD
Current Student Resources
Below are some of the useful materials needed for RSD students during the course of their doctoral studies, including program forms and documents, graduation requirements, and course registration information.

Supervisory Committee Form
Students should establish a supervisory committee as soon as possible and no later than the end of the student’s second semester in the program. The supervisory committee is comprised of at least four members of the University of Florida Graduate Faculty. At least two members, including the chair, must hold Graduate Faculty status in the Rehabilitation Science program. See faculty list for eligible members. One member serves as the external member and should be from a different educational discipline, with no ties to the home academic unit (cannot hold Graduate Faculty status in the Rehabilitation Science program). One regular member may be from the home academic unit or another unit.
Graduate Transfer of Credit
Transfer of credit requests should be made in the student’s first semester in the Rehabilitation Science PhD program and no later than the third term of PhD study. No more than 30 credits of a master’s degree from another institution will be transferred to the doctoral program. Any courses beyond the master’s degree must be taken at an institution offering doctoral degrees to be considered for credit transfer. The total number of credits that may be transferred cannot exceed 45 (including 30 from a prior master’s degree).
All transferred courses must be graduate-level, letter-graded with a grade of B or better, and demonstrated to relate directly to the degree being sought. Practice-oriented and clinically-based courses typically do not qualify. However, we do accept transfer credits from appropriate coursework from clinical doctorate programs (e.g. DPT, OTD).
Coursework eligible for credit transfer must be completed within the last seven years. This time period is tracked from date of degree conferment to first semester enrolled in the Rehabilitation Science PhD program. For example, if a student completed a master of science in April 2018, the seven-year transfer window would close April 2025.
Credit transfer requests must be approved by the student’s primary mentor and Rehabilitation Science Program Director. Rehabilitation Science Graduate Transfer of Credit form and course syllabi are required. Final approval lies with the UF Graduate School.
Degree Application
All students are required to submit an application for degree via ONE.UF for the term in which a degree is to be awarded. Applications must be submitted by published deadlines via ONE.UF.
Degree applications are available through the ONE.UF online system from about July 15 through mid-September for Fall Semester; about November 1 through mid-January for Spring Semester; and about April 1 through the midpoint deadline for Summer B/C Semester.