A Master of Public Health degree is a multidisciplinary graduate-level degree that focuses on the practical elements of public health that can be applied in a professional career.
Explore the different MPH degree options the University of Florida has to offer. To find out which program and modality (campus vs online) is right for you, or to learn about the program and application process, please review the tiles below.
program options
The on-campus MPH program is a two-year, 48-credit program. The first four semesters usually involve traditional coursework, while the last semester is devoted to an Applied Practice Experience (APE) and a capstone project.

program options
The online MPH program includes all of the elements of the campus-based program in a convenient online learning platform, allowing students to complete the entire program without ever visiting campus. The online program follows the same curriculum as the traditional campus program, but students select the rate at which they take classes. Online students also complete an Applied Practice Experience (APE) and a capstone project.

program options
Combination graduate degrees
Combination MPH programs with programs in the colleges of Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Veterinary Medicine are available, as well as with PhD programs in Clinical and Health Psychology, and Rehabilitation Science. Combination degrees may also be developed on an individual basis for other PhD and master’s programs at the University of Florida.

program options
Bachelor’s/MPH degree
A combination degree option is available for current University of Florida undergraduate students. Qualified sophomores and juniors may apply to the combination bachelor’s/MPH program, which allows the completion of 15 MPH credits during their junior and/or senior years.

Program Options
Accelerated MPH
The 42-credit accelerated program is designed for working professionals, and it may be completed on either a full- or part-time basis.