Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences


Working to improve the lives of people affected by communication and related disorders through excellence and innovation in clinical training, service, and research.

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Degree Programs

The department offers four degree programs at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels, as well as a post-baccalaureate certificate. Learn more about these programs and find the right fit for your educational and career goals.

Department News

Message from the Department Chair


Dr. Charles Ellis

Working to improve the lives of people affected by communication and related disorders through excellence and innovation in clinical training, service, and research.

Our Commitment to Students and the Global Community

The UF Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences is fully committed to optimal communication access for our students, the UF community, and the greater global community. It is our aim to create a learning, living, and working environment that affirms dignity, worth, and value of all individuals who engage with our department. We further strive to cultivate an environment that subscribes to openness and respect, as well as being a place of safety for all our constituents.

In our attempts to create and cultivate this environment, we realize we must engage in ongoing learning to understand, value, and support individual differences including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, national origin, religious and spiritual beliefs, gender, sexuality, physical and mental abilities, size and appearance, and socio-economic status. Finally, we recognize that we operate within a global community that can be influenced by many forms of marginalization. We, however, will strive to overcome those influences while creating a learning and working environment that is respectful, equitable, and offers comprehensive access to all.

Outreach & Clinics

Community Outreach

UF Screen Team

Working to improve the lives of people affected by communication and related disorders through excellence and innovation in clinical training, service, and research.

SLHS Outreach & Clinics

Community Clinic

UF Reading Program

Working to improve the lives of people affected by communication and related disorders through excellence and innovation in clinical training, service, and research.

Outreach & Clinics

PHHP Events