We seek to prepare postdoctoral fellows for the practice of professional psychology consistent with the philosophy embodied in the scientist-practitioner model of training. We endeavor to teach postdoctoral fellows how to think scientifically about clinical problems, how to provide clinical service with skill and appreciation for human diversity and the highest ethical and professional standards, how to evaluate the quality and clinical relevance of empirical research, and how to contribute to advancements in psychological knowledge through research and scholarship.
Clinical Health Psychology Program
We anticipate having openings for up to 2 postdoctoral associates for our 2025-2026 class. Our job ad and application are posted below.
Although not listed on the job ad, please have 3 recommenders (including one from the internship site), send their letters directly to Dr. Deidre Pereira at dpereira@ufl.edu.
Clinical Neuropsychology Program
We anticipate having an opening for a postdoctoral associate for our 2025-2027 class. Our job ad and application are posted below.
Although not listed on the job ad, please have 3 recommenders (including one from the internship site), send their letters directly to Dr. Deidre Pereira at dpereira@ufl.edu.
overview of our program
Applicant Requirements
The Department of Clinical and Health Psychology offers postdoctoral training in clinical psychology to applicants who have completed a doctoral degree in clinical, school, or counseling psychology from a program accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) or the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), as well as an APA or CPA accredited internship in clinical psychology.

The overarching program is comprised of two sub-programs: Clinical Health Psychology Program and Clinical Neuropsychology Program. Program duration for the Clinical Neuropsychology Program is two years, while program duration for the Clinical Health Psychology Programs is one year. Typically there are 4 clinical postdoctoral enrolled in the program across the two programs.
The following are required application components:
- Statement regarding professional goals,
- Curriculum Vitae listing clinical and research experiences,
- Official graduate transcript,
- Three letters of recommendation (including one from the internship site), and
- Clinical Health Psychology Program: one de-identified work sample.
Clinical Neuropsychology Program: two de-identified work samples.
Clinical Service Requirements
All postdoctoral fellows dedicate time to direct service activity in one or more of the following areas: assessment, intervention, and consultation and interprofessional collaborations. Supervision of doctoral students in our APA accredited doctoral and internship programs is also a critical part of clinical service requirements. The amount of time that is devoted to direct service delivery varies based on the position, but there is a minimum requirement of 20 hours per week (50% time).
Types of Clinical Service Experiences Available
Within each major area of emphasis, postdoctoral fellows rotate with different supervisors in different psychology clinics and interdisciplinary clinic settings to train and work with a variety of faculty and gain a breadth and depth of experience within their major area of emphasis. Many of the rotations include participation in interdisciplinary outpatient or inpatient clinical settings allowing for advanced training in the delivery of brief, targeted assessments; interventions; and/or consultations and interprofessional collaboration with colleagues from numerous disciplines. Many postdoctoral fellows also carry a caseload of outpatient therapy patients across the duration of the training experience.
Educational Requirements
Postdoctoral fellows participate in weekly didactics available through the Department, Areas, UF, and UF Health. Specifically, each program has its own specialty didactic offerings that meet on a weekly or biweekly basis. Postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to attend grand rounds presentations by the Department of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Department of Psychiatry, and other Departments/Centers/Institutes within UF Health. Furthermore, postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to attend national conferences or professional development training in their area of concentration. Educational support funding is provided for postdoctoral fellows that can be used to support travel.
Research Opportunities
Research opportunities vary according to the Training Area and position funding. Positions within the Clinical Health Psychology Area are 100% clinical.
Training Faculty and Supervision
The Department of Clinical and Health Psychology’s postdoctoral training faculty in the Clinical Neuropsychology Area includes 15 practicing, licensed psychologists. These faculty include tenure-track faculty who engage in clinical supervision, research, and research mentorship, as well as clinical faculty, who engage in clinical supervision and direct clinical service. In addition, tenure-track faculty without clinical service or supervision assignments are available to serve as research mentors to fellows.
Training faculty in the Clinical Health Psychology Area includes 6 practicing, licensed psychologists, four of whom are board certified.
Postdoctoral fellows receive at least two hours of individual face-to-face supervision per week from licensed psychologists. Postdoctoral fellows also receive supervision from faculty in weekly seminars, group supervision, and consultative/supervisory direct clinic service.
Stipend and Benefits
The salary for a full-time (1.0 FTE) fellow is commensurate with the NIH salary for postdoctoral associates with 0 years of experience (i.e., at this time, this is $61,008). Postdoctoral fellows are also eligible for comprehensive health benefits and have access to libraries and other research resources available for faculty and postdoctoral fellows. Postdoctoral fellows accrue 5 hours of leave per biweekly pay period. Additionally, postdoctoral trainees receive $500 per training year to support professional development (e.g., travel to workshops or national conferences, purchase of educational materials).