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Glenn Smith named Interim Director of 1Florida Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center

Congratulations to CHP’s Glenn Smith Ph.D. ABPP, named Interim Director of 1Florida Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. The 1Florida Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (1FL ADRC) is a consortium of Florida institutions helping to change the current understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias from being incurable, inevitable and largely untreatable…

Dr. Levy is in the WINers’ Box

Congratulations to CHP’s Shellie-Anne Levy, Ph.D., who was recognized by the Society for Clinical Neuropsychology in the Summer/Autumn 2022 newsletter in the Women in Neuropsychology (WIN) spotlight titled, “The WINers Box“. Dr. Levy was nominated by CHP colleague, Dr. Franchesca Arias, for her, “…work ethic, humility, and unwavering…

Welcome CHP’s 2022-23 Intern Class!!

CHP’s 2022-2023 intern cohorts are already off to a great start! Pictured left are Front Row (l-r): Mary Jane Campbell, Kassandra Garnere, Lauren Moss, Megan Dann, Taylor McMillan, and Amy Halpin. Back Row (l-r): Ari Feinstein, Xiao Yang, Tanesha Johnson, Amanda Wisinger, Samuel Brotkin, Connor Burrows, and Tarek Hijazi. With…

Dr. Gabrielli serves as guest columnist in the Gainesville Sun

On May 27, 2022, CHP’s Dr. Joy Gabrielli co-authored an excellent article featured in the Gainesville Sun titled, Keeping children safe and healthy in digital spaces. The article discusses the research of Dr. Gabrielli and Dr. Jennifer Doty, offering practical solutions towards protecting children online. Valuable tips…

2022 CHP Pinning Ceremony

On Wednesday, May 25, 2022, CHP faculty and graduate students gathered in the HPNP Reception Hall to honor Andrea Mejia, Brad Taylor, Catherine Dion, Cheshire Hardcastle, Erin Ferguson, Erin Moorman, and Francesca Lopez with the traditional CHP send-off to new internships across the country.   Mentors and mentees shared accomplishments,…

PINky and the Brains-1st Place

CHP Quality of Life Events (QLE) are back! On April 16th, “This talented crew merged their skills and activated various cortical regions to take home first place.  They were led by Dr. Aliyah (Olympian) Snyder and Dr. Kristin Snyder who were 1st and 2nd Highest Female Bowlers, respectively.  Showing that…

Dr. Duane Dede, recipient of the Graduate Education Diversity Champion Award

Congratulations to Dr. Duane Dede who has been selected as the recipient of the Graduate Education Diversity Champion Award for 2021-2022. Dr. Dede was nominated by a graduate student for this award based on his tireless efforts in supporting students, leading our department HEARD committee, and promoting…

Graduate Student Appreciation Lunch 2022

As a small “Thank You” to our awesome Graduate Students, CHP hosted an appreciation lunch on April 1, 2022. From the Chair, David Janicke, “It was great to see so many of you at the graduate student appreciation luncheon today.  Thank you to the graduate students, and all our awesome…

Dr. Jeff Boissoneault receives Early Career Investigator Award

Congratulations to CHP’s Jeff Boissoneault, Ph.D., one of two recipients of this year’s Research Society on Alcoholism Early Career Investigator Award! This award is given to individuals who have demonstrated themselves to be a motivated thinker and a leader at a young stage in their academic career. The…

Dr. David Fedele receives Faculty Doctoral Mentoring Award

CHP’s David Fedele, Ph.D., ABPP, is one of only 5 recipients of the Faculty Doctoral Mentoring Award from the University of Florida Graduate School. This award recognizes excellence, innovation, and effectiveness in mentoring doctoral students at the University of Flori…