Posts tagged as

Combined Sections Meeting

APTA Combined Sections Meeting Presentations

The Physical Therapy department was well represented at the American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) in San Antonio this past February. More than 30 individuals associated with the department participated in 19 education sessions, platforms, and poster presentations. UF PT is looking forward to even stronger representation…

Smith receives James Dunleavy Distinguished Service Award

At the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Barbara Smith, PT, PhD, assistant professor, received the James Dunleavy Distinguished Service Award. This award acknowledges and honors an outstanding APTA Acute Care member whose contributions have been of exceptional value. Over the years, Dr. Smith has demonstrated prominent leadership in advancing…

Alum Spotlight: Corey Simon

Corey Simon, DPT, PhD, FAAOMPT, completed the Rehabilitation Science program in December 2014. He is currently an assistant professor at Duke School of Medicine in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Doctor of Physical Therapy Division. Recently he was part of the team which published one of the first studies…