Ira M Longini,
About Ira M Longini
Dr. Longini received his Ph.D. in Biometry at the University of Minnesota in 1977. He began his career with the International Center for Medical Research and Training and the Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia, where he worked on tropical infectious disease problems and taught courses in biomathematics. Following that, he was a professor biostatistics at the University of Michigan, Emory University and the University of Washington. He currently is a professor of biostatistics at the University of Florida and Director of the Center for Statistical and Quantitative Infectious Diseases (CSQUID), the Emerging Pathogens Institute, at the University of Florida. His research interests are in the area of stochastic processes applied to epidemiological problems. He has specialized in the mathematical and statistical theory of epidemics–a process that involves constructing and analyzing mathematical models of disease transmission, disease progression and the analysis of infectious disease data based on these models. He works extensively in the design and analysis of vaccine and infectious disease prevention trials and observational studies. Dr. Longini has worked on the analysis of epidemics of COVID-19, Ebola, mpox, influenza, HIV, tuberculosis, cholera, dengue fever, and other infectious diseases. Dr. Longini is also working with the Department of Health and Human Services, the World Health Organization, the CDC and other public health organizations on mathematical and statistical models for the control of a possible bioterrorist attack with an infectious agent such as smallpox, and other natural infectious disease threats such as COVID-19, pandemic influenza or another coronavirus. Dr. Longini is author or coauthor of over 256 scientific papers and he has won a number of awards for excellence in research, including the Howard M. Temin Award in Epidemiology for “Scientific Excellence in the Fight against HIV/AIDS,” two CDC Statistical Science Awards for both “Best Theoretical and Applied Papers,” the CDC James H. Nakano Citation “for an outstanding scientific publications” the Science Magazine, one of the top 10 “Breakthrough of the Year” for 2015, Guinea Ebola ring vaccination trial, the Aspen Institute Italia Award for scientific research and collaboration between Italy and the United States, 2016, and the David A. Paulus Lifetime Achievement Award, College of Medicine, University of Florida. April 25, 2022. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Longini has Erdős number = 3.
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