This edition of faculty spotlight features Dr. Stefanie Bodison, an Assistant Professor who joined UF in the fall of 2021. Dr. Bodison completed her Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, and clinical Occupational Therapy Doctorate in the Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. She also completed a Master of Science in Clinical, Biomedical, and Translational Sciences from the USC Keck School of Medicine in 2017. Dr. Bodison teaches human neuroscience with a cadaver lab in the first semester of the OTD professional program.
Dr. Bodison’s research program strives to elucidate sensory brain-behavior relationships to inform the development and refinement of rehabilitation interventions for children and adolescents. She uses multimodal neuroimaging methods and behavioral measures of sensory and motor functions to investigate the neural correlates of sensory processing as a foundation for the development of sensorimotor and social-emotional skills in neurotypically developing children and those with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Prior to initiating a research career in 2011, Dr. Bodison worked as a pediatric occupational therapist in an outpatient rehabilitation setting in Torrance, California, where she provided occupational therapy interventions grounded in sensory integration theory, neurodevelopmental treatment approaches, and techniques to improve the feeding and eating skills of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. She has taught nationally and internationally on sensory integration theory, assessment, and intervention.
Dr. Bodison is an active member of the American Occupational Therapy Association and serves as an associate editor for the American Journal of Occupational Therapy.