MBI Rising Stars: Priscilla Amofa-Ho
Ph.D. student Priscilla Amofa-Ho is studying whether patient-centered behavioral interventions could delay more severe cognitive decline in people with mild cognitive impairment.
Ph.D. student Priscilla Amofa-Ho is studying whether patient-centered behavioral interventions could delay more severe cognitive decline in people with mild cognitive impairment.
Dr. Bowers is recognized for extraordinary contributions to the field of neuropsychology.
The prestigious awards program supports unconventional approaches to major challenges in biomedical and behavioral research.
The award is is presented in support of the university’s preeminence goals to further advance faculty research efforts.
Nine faculty members were awarded tenure and/or promotion from the University of Florida for the 2021-22 cycle.
Despite needing to move to a telehealth format because of COVID-19 shutdowns, participants in this UF weight loss study lost a comparable amount of weight to in-person programs.
The team significantly improved processing speed for an AI study during a hackathon held last month.
AI, combined with MRI scans of the brain, may be able to predict whether people with early memory loss will go on to develop dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
A member of the college faculty since 2003, Janicke has served the department as a professor, associate chair and doctoral graduate program director.
Given the known barriers to weight loss and weight maintenance in rural areas, this is good news for rural patients considering the surgery.