Posts tagged as

Public Health

EGH Students & Research Scientists receive awards from the SESOT Annual Meeting

EGH students and research scientists received awards from the Annual Meeting of Southeastern Society of Toxicology in November 2021. Congratulations to Nima Madani for receiving a Graduate Student Presentation Award, and to Drs. Qiran Chen, Wei-Chun Chou, and Long Yuan for receiving Post-doctoral Fellow Poster Awards! …

Dr. Tracie Baker had two manuscripts go live in January

See linked for Dr. Tracie Baker’s two manuscripts that went online last month: “Persistent contaminants of emerging concern in a great lakes urban-dominant watershed” in the Journal of Great Lakes Research “Phenotypic and transcriptomic effects of developmental exposure to nanomolar levels of…

Drs. Maurelli, Lednicky, and Lin named World’s Top Scientists

In a list created by scientists from Stanford University, Dr. Anthony Maurelli is named in the World’s Top 2% Scientists List based on career-long impact. Dr. John Lednicky and Dr. Zhoumeng Lin are named in the World’s Top 2% Scientists List based on single-year impact in 2020.