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Adam Woods

Dr. Woods is Assistant Director of the Center for Cognitive Aging and Memory (CAM) and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology. He is also the Director of the Neurophysiology and Neuromodulation Research Core in the CAM. Dr. Woods’ research focuses on discovery and application of…

William Perlstein

Dr. Perlstein’s research interests include Cognitive Neuroscience, Experimental Psychopathology, Emotion Neuroscience, Anxiety Disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury, Psychophysiology, Functional Neuroimaging. Full CV…

Michael Robinson

Dr. Robinson studies a broad spectrum of topics related to the human pain experience. Specific topics include Placebo Analgesia, Patient Centered Outcomes, Sex, Race, and Age biases in decisions about pain, Psychological Factors in pain perception, Behavioral Interventions (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for pain and insomnia, Manual Therapy, Placebo) and Coping with…

Barbara Smith

Dr. Smith’s research examines the time course and extent of respiratory muscle remodeling in response to respiratory muscle overload training, using a combination of basic science and clinical approaches. Her current research projects include 1) examining the biology of acute muscle remodeling following a respiratory overload, 2) using translational strategies…

Lorie Richards

Dr. Richards specialty area is neurorehabilitation. Her research, conducted through the Malcalm Randall VA Medical Center’s Brain Rehabilitation Research and the Brooks Center for Rehabilitation Studies, involves increasing understanding of motor function of the arm and hand in individuals with neurological injury or disease and translating motor rehabilitation interventions from…

Heather Ross

Dr. Ross’s research interests are centered on the combinatorial approach of neural stem/progenitor cell therapies and rehabilitation strategies following neural insult. Specifically, Dr. Ross is studying whether progenitor cell transplant coupled with cell- and systemic-based modulation, including rehabilitation approaches, can synergize to optimally promote cell engraftment and subsequent motor function…

Dorian Rose

Dr. Rose’s research investigates the development and implementation of behavioral intervention strategies, based on principles of neuroplasticity and motor learning, for the rehabilitation of motor control deficits following neurologic injury and disease. She investigates the role of adjuvants, such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, to behavioral interventions for the recovery…

Carolynn Patten

All movements –as simple as blinking one’s eyes to as complex as signing one’s name and walking—involve the production and control of muscular force by the nervous system. While biomechanical demands vary across motor tasks, the nervous system responds to regulate force production in a task dependent manner. Dr. Patten’s…