Posts tagged as

Health Care Delivery Systems

Brenda Wiens

Dr. Wiens’ research primarily focuses on program evaluation for school mental health programs and violence and substance use prevention efforts in the Columbia County School District. She also conducts research on child and adolescent peer victimization and aggression, as well as adolescent substance use and other risky behavior. Dr. Wiens…

Sergio Romero

Dr. Romero utilizes modern test theory methodologies to develop, evaluate, and improve clinical/research outcome measures and patient reported outcome measures. He is particularly interested in rehabilitation outcome measures to evaluate patients with mobility deficits leading to falls. Dr. Romero utilizes Item Response Theory to evaluate existing instruments and develop new…

Jeffrey Harman

His research explores the utilization of health services, with an emphasis on mental health care. His main focus has been to identify patient, provider, and system characteristics that are associated with low treatment rates for specified mental health and general medical conditions. Through his research, Dr. Harman has become an…

Christopher Harle

Dr. Harle’s research focuses on understanding how patients, consumers and health care professionals perceive and use health information and information technology. He draws on theory and methods from behavioral decision making, risk communication and machine learning in order to improve information systems that support health-related decision making. This research has…

Allyson Hall

Dr. Hall is interested in issues related to access to care for vulnerable populations including Medicaid, the health care safety net, and primary care delivery systems.