RSD Student Travel Awards

Please complete the Rehabilitation Science Travel Grant Application Cover Sheet and return to Laura Quintana (


Rehabilitation Science travel awards are intended to help financially support student participation in national and international meetings. Awards are usually $250.

Eligibility criteria

  1. Open to all Rehabilitation Science PhD students.
  2. Students must attend more than 50% of Rehabilitation Science seminars
  3. The student’s mentor must have attended at least one third of the Rehabilitation Science Seminars

 Application procedure

  1. Complete the Rehabilitation Science Travel Grant Application Cover Sheet 
  2. Send a copy of the cover sheet and the abstract via email to Laura Quintana (

Review process

  1. A call for applications will occur twice a year. The Rehabilitation Science steering committee will review all applications submitted by the priority deadline.
  2. If there are still funds remaining, we will continue to evaluate applications on a rolling basis.
  3. Review criteria:
    • Significant priority will be given to students presenting data (oral presentation or poster presentation) at a national or international meeting.
    • The committee may also consider the following criteria when making a decision:
      • Rationale and/or hypothesis clearly stated
      • Results and conclusions clearly stated
      • Preliminary/pilot study vs. completed study
    • Seniority of the student