SBS Conference Travel Funding Application Social and Behavioral Sciences, Public Health PhD Please complete this form if you are requesting additional funding for conference travel expenses. HiddenNext Steps: Sync an Email Add-OnTo get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page ( Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.Conference or Training Travel Funding ApplicationYour Name(Required) First Last UF Email Address(Required) Conference or Training To Be Attended(Required) Conference or Training Dates(Required) Senior Faculty Co-Author(Required) Abstract Title(Required) Other Authors On The Abstract(Required) Location of Conference (City, State)(Required) Type of Presentation (e.g., poster, talk, paper)(Required) Brief summary of research to be presented and/or justification to attend conference/training(Required)Have you requested funding from the Graduate Student Council?(Required) Yes No If yes, please outline if your request was approved or denied. If approved what was the total you were approved for? Line item details of amount of travel funds being requested (maximum $700)Travel CostsAirfareConference RegistrationLodgingTransportation (e.g., to/from airport and hotel)Meals (max. per diem)Other (Describe below) Add RemovePlease complete the following to outline a detailed breakdown of your funding request.Description of Other