Annual Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium

PT faculty and staff reviewing research poster
NMPT Symposium Poster Session and Award Ceremony

The University of Florida Neuromuscular Plasticity Training Program and the BReathing REsearch And THErapeutics Program presents:

20th Annual Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium
March 27-28, 2025


Time (Eastern Time Zone) Itinerary
Thursday, March 27, 2025 Malachowsky 7200
TBD Data Blitz
TBD Social
Friday, March 28, 2025 HPNP
8-9 AM Coffee and continental breakfast / poster Check-in
9:30-10:30 AM “Reclaiming functional independence: harnessing therapeutic benefits of intermittent hypoxia to boost motor recovery after spinal cord injury”: Randy Trumbower, PT, PhD, Harvard University
10:30-10:45 AM Break
10:45-11:45 AM “MR Imaging Biomarkers and Muscular Dystrophy”: Krista Vandenborne, PT, PhD, University of Florida
Noon – 1 PM Lunch / poster Check-in
1-2:30 PM Poster Session
2:45-3:15 PM Awards Ceremony and Closing Remarks

Keynote Speakers

Randy Trumbower, PT, PhD

Talk Title: Reclaiming functional independence: harnessing therapeutic benefits of intermittent hypoxia to boost motor recovery after spinal cord injury

Krista Vandenborne Headshot

Krista Vandenborne, PT, PhD

Talk Title: MR Imaging Biomarkers and Muscular Dystrophy


We invite graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to present their research in poster format. The poster session will be held on March 28, 2025, time TBD, at The HPNP Building. The top graduate student and postdoctoral poster winners will be recognized and presented with a travel award during the poster awards ceremony on March 28, 2025, at time TBD. at HPNP Auditorium. All poster presenters are invited to join the keynote speakers and T32 preceptors for plenary lectures and T32 trainee presentations at Emerson Alumni Hall.

The deadline for abstract submissions is Friday, February 27, 2025.

Abstract submitters will receive a reply within three business days. If you do not receive a reply within three business days, contact Mike Ryan Simonovich at 352-273-6118 or

All individuals receiving a notice of abstract acceptance are invited to present their poster during the March 28, 2025, poster session. There is no required poster size, but the poster area of the boards is 4 ft. 10 in. tall x 5 ft. 10 in. wide. Posters generally range in size from 36 – 43 in. long by 53 – 63 in. wide.

Abstract and posters are judged based on these categories, which are broadly defined as follows:

  1. Impact:  What potential does this research have to impact and advance knowledge of the chosen field of research?
  2. Innovation:  How creative is the hypothesis put forward? How innovative is the approach used to address the hypothesis?
  3. Writing:  Well-written in terms of clarity, rationale, hypothesis stated, methods described, conclusions, and implications of the findings. Were a variety of outcome measures used?
  4. Layout: Is the poster legible? Do the figures stand alone and complement the text?
  5. Completeness: Is this the presenters work? Is this a pilot study, preliminary data or a relatively complete study?
  6. Presentation: Can the presenter explain the study succinctly and clearly? Can the presenter effectively answer questions when asked? Is significance stated clearly in the presentation (poster and oral)?

Poster Submission: You will present your physical poster during the designated poster session on Thursday, March 28, 2025, time TBD at The HPNP Building. Please follow the instructions below to ensure that your submission is complete.

Poster Title & Abstract: Include the project title and abstract that you previously submitted to the UF Department of Physical Therapy. If you need a copy of your submitted abstract, email Please note when including your abstract, certain formatting (e.g. bold, italics, etc.) may not be legible – double check your abstract and edit formatting where necessary.

Faculty Mentor: Please include the full name and degree of your mentor.

Co-Authors: List all authors, including yourself and your mentor.

Post-submission: Your abstract submission is final. You must bring all physical poster presentation materials to the HPNP Building on March 28, 2025, no later than time TBD.


Symposium Scholars

Each year, symposium scholars are selected from the T32 rehabilitation consortium of partner institutions and invited to present their posters at the Neuromuscular Plasticity Training Symposium. More information about this year’s symposium scholars will be provided soon.

CEU Credit

One Physical Therapy CEU is offered per lecture for a total of two (2) credit hours. Please look for the sign-in sheet at the registration table to document your attendance and receive PT CEU credit.

No RSVP is needed and there is no cost for the plenary lectures and the T32 presentations. Please contact Mike Ryan Simonovich ( with any inquiries.

We look forward to your participation,
Dr. David Fuller and the NMPT Program Symposium Committee: Dr. Krista Vandenborne, Dr. Andy Judge, and Dr. Gordon Mitchell

Sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Training in Rehabilitation and Neuromuscular Plasticity T32 HD043730 Training Grant, Breathing Research and Therapeutics T32 HL134621 Training Grant, the University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions, and the Department of Physical Therapy.