What is the Applied Practice Experience (APE)?
The Applied Practice Experience (APE) within the MPH program allows our students to apply foundational public health skills and knowledge learned in the classroom to real-life experiences within the field. Every year, more than 150 students in the Master of Public Health (MPH) program at the University of Florida serve as volunteers and interns to complete the Applied Practice Experience with public health agencies and related organizations nationwide and globally.
PHC 6941: The Applied Practice Experience is typically taken during the student’s last semester in the program in tandem with PHC 6940: Capstone.
Fall and Spring Semesters
A sample syllabus for PHC 6941 that can provide a tentative and general course schedule with assignment deadlines specifically for the Fall and Spring semesters.
Summer C Semester
A sample syllabus for PHC 6941 that can provide a tentative and general course schedule with assignment deadlines specifically for the Summer C semester.
What are Applied Practice Experience (APE) hours?
UF’s MPH program Applied Practice Experience (APE) hours comprise both Public Health Experience (PHE) hours and internship hours. The required number of APE hours depends on the student’s program and the number of credits of PHC 6941 they register for. It is a program requirement that all MPH students must complete a minimum of 3 credits of 6941 (150 internship hours) no matter what academic program the student is enrolled in. Students may register for more than 3 credits of 6941 only if it is approved by their MPH academic advisor to change their plan of study.
Please note that 1 credit hour of PHC 6941 equals 50 internship hours. For example, if a student is registered for 3 credits of PHC6941 within an academic semester, they must complete at least 150 internship hours by the end of the semester.
Internship Hours
Internship hours are accrued during the semester students are enrolled in PHC 6941.
Internship Hour Requirements
academic program/ number of phc 6941 credits | Required internship hours |
All MPH Students taking 3 credits of PHC6941 | 150 |
All MPH students taking ≥ 4 credits of PHC6941 | (# of PHC 6941 Credits) x (50) = # of required hours |
Public Health Experience (PHE) Hours
Public Health Experience hours The required number of PHE hours depends on the student’s program and the number of credits of PHC 6941 they register for.
Public Health Service Hour Requirements
Academic program/number of phc 6941 credits | Required PHS Hours |
Traditional MPH Program (48 credit hours) students taking 3 credits of PHC6941 | 50 |
Traditional MPH Program (48 credit hours) students taking ≥ 4 credits of PHC6941 | Exempt |
Accelerated MPH Program (42-credit hours) | Exempt |
Combined Professional Degree Programs (e.g., MD/MPH, JD/MPH, DVM/MPH, PharmD/MPH) | Exempt |
Combined Bachelors/MPH Program | Exempt under the condition that the student completed a relevant service learning or internship experience as part of their undergraduate program while the student is admitted to the MPH program |
Options for Public Health Experience hours are as follows:
- Volunteering at a public health service organization, non-profit or event
- Participation in a health or health education fair
- Participation in any service event coordinated by UF’s Public Health Student Association
- Participation in a case study competition
- Employment in a public health-related field during your time in the MPH program
- MPH Program opportunities:
- Participation in the required Inter-Professional Learning in Healthcare (IPLH): 10 PHE hours
- Participation in Common Reader book discussion: 2 PHE hours
How do I track my PHE hours?
Public Health Experience hours are self-tracked by students throughout the program. Students must update their PHE time log and complete a factual report for each volunteer experience. Factual reports require a signature from the event coordinator. All MPH program opportunities such as IPLH and Common Reader do not require a PHE factual report to be filled out, but they do need to be recorded on the time log.
Public Health Experience (PHE) Factual Report
Students should complete a factual report for each public health experience (PHE) opportunity using the blank template below.
Public Health Experience (PHE) Time Log
Students should be tracking their PHE hours throughout their time in the program. A blank template has been provided below.