Below are the current courses available to students of our campus MPH program. For more information on courses and to view course syllabi, please visit our MPH Courses.
For courses available to students of the online MPH program, please view Online MPH Course Descriptions.
All students will complete the Public Health Core courses, as well as completing any concentration core courses or electives that are required. Plans of study can be found in the MPH Student Handbook.
*Public Health Practice students do not have a specified set of concentration core courses. Instead, students must choose two to three courses from concentration core course options in two to four of the other concentrations. Selections must include at least one course in research methods from the following:
- PHC 6700: Social & Behavioral Research Methods (in Social and Behavioral Sciences Core)
- PHC 6000: Epidemiology Research Methods I (in the Epidemiology Core)
- HSA 7707: Health Services Research Methods I
Click the links below to jump to a specific core area.
Public Health Core Courses & Applied Practice Experience
PHC 6052 Introduction to Biostatistical Methods
Core Public Health Course
Description: Introduction to the concepts and methods of biostatistical data analysis. The topics include descriptive statistics, probability, standard probability distributions, sampling distributions, point and confidence interval estimation, hypothesis testing, power and sample size estimation, one and two-sample parametric and non-parametric methods for analyzing continuous or discrete data, and simple linear regression. The SAS statistical software package will be taught in this class for data management and statistical analyses.
PHC 6001 Principles of Epidemiology
Core Public Health Course
Description: This course is an introduction to epidemiology for students majoring in any aspect of the health sciences. The purpose of this course is to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to explain the place of epidemiology in the general health thinking and to communicate and apply the basic principles of epidemiology.
PHC 6313 Environmental Health Concepts in Public Health
Core Public Health Course
Description: This course is a survey of major topic areas of Environmental Health. It will examine sources, routes, media, and health outcomes associated with biological, chemical and physical agents in the environment.
HSA 6114 Health Care System and Policy
Core Public Health Course
Description: This course provides an overview of the structure of the healthcare delivery system and policy. With periodic changes in diverse aspects of the health care system, its dynamic mechanism should be understood. Particularly, the health care system encompasses organization, management, finance, policy and technology. Thus, comprehensive thinking is required.
PHC 6410 Psychological, Behavioral, and Social Issues in Public Health
Core Public Health Course
Description: This course will provide foundational knowledge of the major social and behavioral science models and theories, and will guide students in the application of these theories to real-world public health challenges.
PHC 6940 Master of Public Health Capstone
Core Public Health Course
Description: This course serves as the required integrative learning experience (ILE) for students in the MPH program. Through their work in this course, students will demonstrate synthesis of foundational and concentration competencies through an individual project that addresses a public health need. Students will produce several project deliverables including a professionally written report. Explore additional Capstone information.
PHC 6941 MPH Applied Practice Experience
Description: This course serves as the required applied practice experience (APE) for MPH students. APE provides an opportunity for students to work in a public health setting and encompasses internship and public health service (PHS) hours. Students in internship work with preceptor supervision to apply public health competencies acquired in the classroom to public health practice through experiential activities. Explore additional APE information.
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Biostatistics Concentration Core Courses
PHC 6053 Regression Methods for the Health and Life Sciences
Concentration Core Course
Description: This course introduces graduate students in fields other than statistics to a wide range of modern regression methods. Emphasis is on modeling driven by actual data from studies in a variety of areas, primarily from health, biology, and ecology.
Prerequisites: PHC 6052 Introduction to Biostatistical Methods
PHC 6059 Introduction to Applied Survival Analysis
Concentration Core Course
Description: Survival analysis is about the analysis of time-to-event data. The goal of this course is to help you understand the fundamental concepts of survival analysis and their applications in epidemiology and biomedical sciences. Basic concepts from probability and introductory statistics will be reviewed as needed.
Prerequisites: Prior training in statistics (PHC 6052 or equivalent) and knowledge of multiple regression (PHC 6053 or equivalent). R programming experience will also be helpful
PHC 6089 PH Computing
Concentration Core Course
Description: This course covers using SAS and R to manage and analyze public health data. Students will learn how to import, modify, visualize and perform common analyses of public health data using SAS and R.
Prerequisites: PHC 6052 Introduction to Biostatistical Methods
PHC 6000 Epidemiology Research Methods I
Concentration Core Course
Description: Overview of epidemiology methods used in research studies that address disease patterns in community- and clinic-based populations
Prerequisites: PHC 6001, PHC 6050 or PHC 6052, or departmental approval
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Biostatistics Concentration Electives Courses
PHC 6011 Epidemiology Research Methods II
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Analytic methods in epidemiology with a foundation in applied epidemiological analysis and experience in peer-review productivity based on secondary data analysis.
Prerequisites: PHC 6000, PHC 6052, PHC 6053
PHC 6022 Design and Conduct of Clinical Trials
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Scientific evaluation of health care interventions by clinical trials and the ethics, principles, and conduct of clinical trials in an epidemiological context. Complex issues in analyzing and interpreting clinical trials.
Prerequisites: STA 2023 or equivalent and permission of instructors.
STA 5503 Categorical Data Methods
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Description and inference using proportions and odds ratios, multi-way contingency tables, logistic regression and other generalized linear models, and loglinear models applications.
Prerequisites: STA 3024, 3032, 4210, 4322, 6127, or 6167.
PHC 6251 Assessment & Surveillance in Public Health
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Knowledge, skills, and methods for conducting community assessments and surveillance to inform design of social and behavioral interventions.
STA 5507 Applied Nonparametric Methods
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Introduction to nonparametric statistics. Includes one- and two-sample testing and estimation methods, one and two-way layout models, and correlation and regression models.
Prerequisites: STA 2023, 3032, 4210, 4322, 6126, or 6166
STA 5701 Applied Multivariate Methods
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Review of matrix theory, univariate normal, t, chi-squared and F distributions, and multivariate normal distributions. Inference about multivariate means, Hotelling’s T2 multivariate analysis of variance, multivariate regression, and multivariate repeated measures. Inference about covariance structure, principal components, factor analysis, and canonical correlation. Multivariate classification techniques, discriminant and cluster analysis.
Prerequisites: STA 3024, 6127, 6167, or 4211
PHC 6711 Measurement in Epidemiology and Outcomes Research
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Major designs and principles of measurement for epidemiology and health services outcomes research, with emphasis on use of primary data collection.
Prerequisites: PHC 6001 and PHC 6050 or equivalent
STA 5325 Fundamentals of Probability
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Topics in probability and statistics, particularly discrete and continuous random variables, sampling distributions, estimation, and hypothesis testing. Applications to engineering and natural science.
Prerequisites: MAC 2313 and STA 3023 or equivalent
STA 5328 Fundamentals of Statistical Theory
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Direct continuation of STA 4321/STA 5325. Basic material for distribution theory, sampling distributions, properties of estimators, hypothesis testing, linear regression analysis, and analysis of variance.
Prerequisites: MAC 2313, STA 4321, or equivalent
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Environmental Health Concentration Core Courses
PHC 6304 Environmental Toxicology Applications in Public Health
Concentration Core Course
Description: Environmental toxicology examines exposure to chemical, biological, and physical agents and associated health effects in humans and wildlife. Students will analyze environmental fate of chemicals, exposure routes, mechanisms of toxicity, and critique common approaches used by public health professional when dealing with toxicants.
Prerequisites: BSC 2010, CHM 2045 preferred
PHC 6702 Environmental Monitoring and Exposure Assessment
Concentration Core Course
Description: Exposure to chemical, physical, and biological agents occur through inhalation, ingestion, or contact with a variety of environmental media. Methods to measure and estimate exposure to hazardous agents in the context of environmental and public health practice are explored in this course.
Prerequisites: PHC 6313 Environmental Health Concepts in Public Health
PHC 6018 Environmental Ecology of Human Pathogens
Concentration Core Course
Description: This course covers major topic areas concerning ecological relationships of environmental pathogens that cause diseases in humans. The course will discuss environmental reservoirs of human pathogens and introduces microbiological techniques necessary to detect and identify the variety of pathogens present in the environment.
Prerequisites: PHC 6313 Environmental Health Concepts in Public Health
PHC 6424 Environmental Policy and Risk Management
Concentration Core Course
Description: This course provides students with an in depth understanding of the government’s environmental health structure, environmental policy making processes, important environmental policies, and application of these policies through risk assessment and management techniques to protect the public and the environment.
Prerequisites: PHC 6313 Environmental Health Concepts in Public Health, PHC 6937 Environmental Toxicology Applications in Public Health
PHC 6764 Global Health and Development I
Concentration Core Course
Description: First in a series of two global public health and development courses. Public health and anthropologic principles, methods, and study designs.
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Environmental Health Concentration Elective Courses
PHC 6301 Aquatic Systems and Environmental Health
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Physical and chemical nature of water, effects of contaminant and other stressors in different aquatic ecosystems. Taxonomic and ecological summary of aquatic biota, from algae and invertebrates to vertebrates and pathogens.
PHC 6446 Systems Thinnking in One Health
Concentration Elective Course
Description: This course is designed for students with diverse backgrounds who intend to expand their knowledge in One Health vision. Students will be exposed to a variety of lectures, which will be delivered by experts on specific topics related to One Health. Lectures will be complemented with One Health convergence dialogues.
PHC 6512 Environmental Management of Vector-Borne Diseases
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Planning, organization, implementation, and monitoring the activities for control of environmental factors or their interaction with man to prevent or minimize vector propagation and man-vector-pathogen contact.
PHC 6515 One Health: Applied Techniques in Public Health Entomology
Concentration Elective Course
Description: This course introduces students to basic applied field techniques in the study of medical entomology and vector-borne diseases. Students will learn about the entomology techniques used for the collection and analysis of the samples to understand vector-borne disease transmission.
Prerequisites: General microbiology, principles of infectious diseases, or epidemiology of infectious diseases
PHC 6671 Emerging Infectious Diseases in One Health
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Applies One Health (the intersection of animal and human health and the environment) to understand the emergence of disease-causing microbes and the critical drivers of microbial evolution. Extensive discussion of the global emergence of new infectious disease agents and how factors within One Health influence microbial evaluation and disease emergence.
Prerequisites: MCB 3020, 3023, 4203, 4304, or permission of the instructor
PHC 7307 Quantitative Assessment of Environmental Health Impacts
Concentration Elective Course
Description: This course complements existing environmental health and method courses, aiming to broaden and strengthen skillsets available to students through applied training to bridge the theory-application gaps.
Prerequisites: PHC 6313 Environmental Health Concepts in Public Health, PHC 6601 Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health, and PHC 6050 Statistical Methods for Health Sciences Research (or the consent of the instructor)
PHC 6037 Virology for Public Health
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Students will learn and explore key concepts of animal virology with a focus on viruses that have worldwide public health importance. Topics include understanding, analyzing, and applying knowledge gained about virus genomes and structure, mechanisms of pathophysiology, transmission and risk factors, vaccine development and efficacy, and mitigation strategies.
Prerequisites: Two semesters of General Biology and/or microbiology.
PHC 6706 Scientific Communications in Public Health
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Scientific communication skills are critical to public health researchers and allied professionals. Multiple outreach approaches will be used to develop and deliver meaningful content targeted for different audience perspectives. The course consists of lectures, student presentation opportunities and intensive constructive critique.
PHC 6326 Environmental and One Health
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Many health challenges face complex and inextricable links between human, animal, and environmental health, necessitating a systems approach to One Health. This course introduces concepts, theories, and applications of environmental health sciences in the context of one health. The course combines lectures, discussions, and a class project.
Prerequisites: BSC 2005, EVS 3000, or consent of the instructor.
PHC 6520 Introduction to Foodborne Diseases
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Discussing major pathogens associated with foodborne diseases, their epidemiology, and approaches to outbreak investigation and control of foodborne illness.
Prerequisites: PHC 6001
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Epidemiology Concentration Core Courses
PHC 6000 Epidemiology Research Methods I
Concentration Core Course
Description: This course is intended to ensure that students: a) understand the various epidemiological research methods used to obtain evidence regarding infectious disease transmission and health outcomes; b) can interpret the existing evidence needed to make public health or policy recommendations; and c) are able to propose research strategies to obtain evidence needed to improve public health outcomes related to infectious diseases.
PHC 6002 Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Concentration Core Course
Description: Epidemiology, prevention, and control of infectious diseases affecting local, national, and global community health; epidemiologic methods used in disease surveillance and measures used in slowing or preventing spread of disease.
Prerequisites: PHC 6001 and PHC 6052 or PHC 6050
PHC 6003 Epidemiology and Prevention of Chronic Disease and Disability
Concentration Core Course
Description: This course will focus on the distribution and determents of major chronic diseases and their risk factors. Chronic diseases have been the leading cause of mortality for over 100 years and contribute to the majority of disability and health care visits in the US and the rest of the industrialized world. The list of individual chronic diseases of public health importance is extensive. This course will focus on conceptual and methodological issues related to the study of most chronic diseases.
Prerequisites: Introductory epidemiology course preferred, or consent of instructor.
PHC 6011 Epidemiology Research Methods II
Concentration Core Course
Description: Analytic methods in epidemiology with a foundation in applied epidemiological analysis and experience in peer-review productivity based on secondary data analysis.
Prerequisites: PHC 6000, PHC 6052, and PHC 6053
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Epidemiology Concentration Elective Courses
PHC 6517 Public Health Concepts in Infectious Disease
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Topics and methods used in modern infectious disease epidemiology
Prerequisites: PHC 6001 and PHC 6002
PHC 6016 Social Epidemiology
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Social determinants of population health, including acute and chronic disease outcomes, and health behavior. Introduces methodological approaches to the field of social epidemiology with specific attention to measurement issues.
Prerequisites: PHC 6000, PHC 6001, or PHC 6410
PHC 6194 Spatial Epidemiology
Concentration Elective Course
Description: This course introduces the concepts and methods of spatial epidemiology. Students will gain hands-on experience in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial data analyses. Recent developments in location intelligence applied to healthcare and public health research will also be introduced.
Prerequisites: PHC 6052, PHC 6053, and PHC 6000 (or equivalent) or instructor permission.
PHC 6059 Introduction to Applied Survival Analysis
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Survival analysis is about the analysis of time-to-event data. The goal of this course is to help you understand the fundamental concepts of survival analysis and their applications in epidemiology and biomedical sciences. Basic concepts from probability and introductory statistics will be reviewed as needed.
Prerequisites: Prior training in statistics and knowledge of multiple regression.
PHC 6711 Measurement in Epidemiology and Outcomes Research
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Major designs and principles of measurement for epidemiology and health services outcomes research, with emphasis on use of primary data collection.
Prerequisites: PHC 6001 and PHC 6050 or equivalent
PHC 6089 Intro to Public Health Computing
Concentration Elective Course
Description: This course covers using SAS and R to manage and analyze public health data. Students will learn how to import, modify, visualize and perfom common analyses of public health data using SAS and R.
Prerequisites: PHC 6052 or approval of instructor
PHC 6512 Environmental Management of Vector-Borne Diseases
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Planning, organization, implementation, and monitoring the activities for control of environmental factors or their interaction with man to prevent or minimize vector propagation and man-vector-pathogen contact
PHC 6183 Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Response
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Online introduction to disaster preparedness and responding to disasters. Training on the Incident Command System (ICS), the National Incidence Management System (NIMS), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) minimum responder credential requirements.
PHC 6009 Biology and Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Examining the biological process by which HIV causes infection and AIDS, including the physiologic and cellular processes involved in HIV infection and treatment. Developing skills in finding and interpreting current epidemiologic data HIV/AIDS, including risk factors, comorbid health issues, special populations, and health outcomes. Overview of HIV prevention strategies and their effectiveness. Special emphasis on epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in the rural south.
PHC 6937 Hospital Epidemiology
Concentration Elective Course
Description: This course will discuss major topics in Hospital Epidemiology related to research on the control and prevention of healthcare-associated infections. Topics will be presented through online lectures and in-class discussions of journal articles and CDC Guidelines and through experiential learning, including a visit to UF Health Shands and attendance at the Infectious Disease Case Conferences.
PHC 6937 Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology
Concentration Elective Course
Description: This course is designed to provide a graduate level understanding of how epidemiological principles can be applied to maternal and child mortality and morbidity.
PHC 6937 – Preparing for the Field: Developing Key Skills for Applied Health Department Work
Concentration Elective Course
Description: This course introduces key skills needed to respond to urgent public health problems while working at a state or local health department. Students will participate in hands-on activities to learn how to identify emergent public health concerns, implement targeted interventions, and communicate findings to prevent further illness. Skills include conducting outbreak investigations, interviewing cases, developing communication tools and educational materials, and identifying key stakeholders.
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Population Health Management Concentration Core Courses
PHC 6104 Evidence-Based Management of Public Health Programs
Concentration Core Course
Description: Practical guidance on how to choose, administer, and evaluate evidence-based programs and policies in public health settings.
Prerequisites: PHC 6102 or equivalent
HSA 6436 Health Economics
Concentration Core Course
Description: This course introduces the student to economic theories and concepts and microeconomic analysis and some of its empirical applications including analyses of the demand for and supply of healthcare goods and services. This course also introduces the concepts and methods for the economic analysis of health care decision alternatives. Topics will include demand and supply for health and healthcare, health insurance, information economics, economics of health innovation, health policy, public health economics, behavioral health economics, cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness, and cost-utility analyses. It emphasizes the application of these methods to the evaluation of alternative health programs.
HSA 7759 Quality and Outcomes in Health Services Research
Concentration Core Course
Description: The course will cover a mix of conceptual and practical research skills that will prepare students to contribute to health services research related to health care quality and outcomes. This will be achieved through a mix of textbook readings and discussions as well as readings, critiques, and discussions of timely and important research articles in health services and health policy journals.
PHC 6716 Survey Research Methods
Concentration Core Course
Description: Introduction to population surveys typical in descriptive (suveillance) and analytic epdemiology research.
Prerequisites: PHC 6001, PHC 6050; and STA 6208 or equivalent
PHC 6103 System Thinking and Public Health
Concentration Core Course
Description: Conceptual and empirical tools for understanding and managing complex organizations and interacting with other large systems that impact public health. Simulated work experiences show intended and unintended consequences of interventions in complex systems.
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Population Health Management Concentration Elective Courses
HSA 6395 Healthcare Data Analysis
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Introduces students to the use of data analytics in healthcare decision making to help health services organizations get more effectiveness and efficiency from their operations. It is the first in a two course series in the Masters of Health Administration degree.
HSA 6427 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Administration
Concentration Core Course
Description: Survey of legal and ethical issues relating to health administration. Topics include government regulation, tort liability and malpractice, the professional-patient relationship, right to die, and patients without decisional capacity.
Prerequisites: consent of instructor
HSA 6115 Introduction to the Management of Health Services Organizations
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Upon completion on the course, students will: understand the key principles of management, discuss the current healthcare environment in which health services organizations operate, distinguish between the core functions of healthcare management, clarify distinctions between leadership and management, accept the value of the application of Emotional Intelligence principles to professional success, and break down the interrelationships between the fundamental departments of health services organizations and their contribution to organizational mission.
HSA 6152 Health Policy
Concentration Elective Course
Description: This course will engage students in thinking critically about both the evolution of U.S. Health Policy and the forces that influence current health policy. Students will develop strategies for conducting policy analyses and participation in the political process.
Prerequisites: HSA 6114 Introduction to the US Health Care System or permission of instructor.
HSA 6385 Performance Management for Health Care Managers
Concentration Elective Course
Description: This course will introduce students to quality of care and quality improvement. Students will gain an understanding of how health care quality is defined and measured and how to identify and monitor quality problems, and plan, implement, and sustain quality improvement interventions.
PHC 6700 Social and Behavioral Research Methods
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Research methods and their specific applications to public health issues.
PHC 6530 Public Health Issues of Mothers and Children
Concentration Elective Course
Description: The first purpose of the course is to develop a working knowledge of key public health issues affecting mothers, children, and families, primarily in the United States. Following an introduction to key organizational and financing issues in the field, the course focuses in greater depth on major public health problems, and specific local, state, and federal programs and policies that have been implemented to address them. The second purpose is to provide opportunities to integrate this population‐specific content with public health skills as they are applied in practice situations. The role of data in understanding and addressing public health problems, and the importance of evidenced‐based public health practice are emphasized throughout the course.
PHC 6146 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Knowledge, skills, and methods for conducting community assessments and surveillance to inform design of social and behavioral interventions.
PHC 6716 Survey Research/Instrument Methods
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Introduction to population surveys typical in descriptive (surveillance) and analytic epidemiology research.
Prerequisites: PHC 6001, PHC 6050; and STA 6208 or equivalent
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Social and Behavioral Science Concentration Core Courses
PHC 6700 Social and Behavioral Research Methods
Concentration Core Course
Description: This course is designed to provide an overview of research design, methods, and ethics for students in public health, with an emphasis on approaches used in the social and behavioral sciences. This course will use a variety of instructional methods to achieve these aims, including readings, discussions, projects, and hands-on research experiences.
PHC 6251 Assessment and Surveillance in Public Health
Concentration Core Course
Description: This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and methods for conducting community health assessments to identify factors that affect the health of a population.
PHC 6405 Theoretical Foundations of Public Health
Concentration Core Course
Description: Providing an in-depth review of social and behavioral sicence theories used in public health, includes systems and multi-level perspectives on health behavior. Prepares public health students to satisfy MPH competencies in social and behavioral sciences.
Prerequisites: PHC 6410
PHC 6146 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation
Concentration Core Course
Description: Second of two courses providing skills to develop and implement public health programs. Focuses on six steps in the rational planning process. Emphasizes evidence-based public health principles, organizational influences, and other contemporary themes of program planning.
PHC 6195 Health Information for Diverse Populations: Theory & Methods
Concentration Core Course
Description: This is an introductory course; as such, we will be examining basic concepts and social scientific research in persuasive communication to gain an understanding of how individuals process and respond to public health information.
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Social and Behavioral Science Concentration Elective Courses
PHC 6704 Community-Based Participatory Research
Concentration Elective Course
Description: This course is to provide an overview of theories, principles, and strategies associated with Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR). This introductory course is intended for graduate students and community practitioners interested in adding CBPR to their repertoire of effective approaches to understanding and addressing social and health disparities in public health.
Prerequisites: PHC 6000 Epidemiology Methods I
PHC 6441 Health Disparities
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Determinants that influence health outcomes of the most disadvantaged populations in the US, with special attention to racial, ethnic, and gender status.
PHC 6404 Sexuality, Gender, and Public Health
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Sexuality has long been a public health concern, although this concern was historically limited to the field of reproductive health. Due in large part to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, issues of sexual health more generally have been taken up by public health researchers, policy makers, and practitioners. Sexual health is now considered a critical component of people’s well-being and a plethora of theoretical and applied initiatives have been and are being developed around the world to promote sexual health. In particular, contemporary research reveals that gender is a key factor in understanding patterns of individuals’ sexual health behaviors and risks, the ways that individuals perceive and use their bodies, and their experiences of health, wellness, and illness. Our approach will be multidisciplinary and cross-cultural in focus and uses an intersectional lens.
PHC 6403 Adolescent Health and Risk-Taking
Concentration Elective Course
Description: We will examine the relationship between psychological and sociological factors, including identity formation, and the effect of person and society on health behaviors and risks. We will assess current intervention programs for both prevention and cessation of risky behaviors, and by the end of the course you will design your own intervention based on the semester’s readings and lectures.
PHC 6009 Biology and Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Examining the biological process by which HIV causes infection and AIDS, including the physiologic annd cellular processes involved in HIV infection and treatment. Developing skills in finding an interpreting current epidemiologic data on HIV/AIDS, including risk factors, comorbid health issues, special populations, and health outcomes. Overview of HIV prevention strategies and their effectiveness. Special emphasis on epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in the rural south.
PHC 6447 Ecology of HIV/AIDS in the Rural South
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Casual factors, responses, and outcomes associated with HIV/AIDS in the rural south. Using ecological framework to explore and understand multilevel factors associated with (1) risk and protective behaviors; (2) testing and disclosure of HIV status; (3) availability and sources of social support; (4) need for and use of medical, psychological, and social services; and (5) the development and use of culturally appropriate interventions.
PHC 6530 Public Health Issues of Mothers and Children
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Maternal and child health problems, specific local, state, and federal programs and policies, health and health care access disparities. Emphasis on importance of evidenced-based public health practice.
PHC 6521 Fundamentals of Public Health Nutrition
Concentration Elective Course
Description: Introduces Public Health Nutrition and the role of the Public Health Nutrition professional. Emphasis will be on definition, identification and prevention of nutrition related disease, and improving health of a population by improving nutrition. Malnutrition, nutritional biochemistry, intervention, and program and policy review will be included.
PHC 6534 Trauma Informed Approaches for Individuals, Communities, and Public Health
Concentration Elective Course
Description: This course will provide students (1) an overview of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), trauma, and the trauma-informed approach; (2) the opportunity to develop trauma-informed public health interventions to prevent ACEs and treat trauma using the social ecological model; and (3) practical instruction in the grant writing process.
Prerequisites: Admission to program or approval of instructor.