Health Administration Student Association

Health Administration Student Association (HASA) is a graduate student organization committed to professional development and networking in the healthcare industry.

Health Administration Student Association (HASA) logo

HASA Objectives

  • To encourage member development through activities that will cultivate the professional and leadership skills necessary to become proficient leaders in the health care industry.
  • To facilitate networking that provides mutually beneficial relationships between HASA members and University of Florida faculty, Master of Health Administration alumni, community leaders, professionals working within the health care industry, and prospective Master of Health Administration students.
  • To develop and foster an ongoing commitment to public service by dedicating resources to meet community needs, as well as the development of programs and events that address emerging needs within the community.
  • To promote the growth and enhancement of the MHA Program.
  • To raise funds to enable HASA to fulfill objectives and achieve goals.
  • To represent HASA, its members, and the University of Florida with dignity, ethics, and professionalism at all times.
HASA Students

HASA members also participate in the local American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) chapter, ACHE-North Florida. Together, we plan events, such as CEO panel discussions, for students to actively participate and network with local health care executives. Each year, ACHE holds its Congress on Healthcare Leadership, during which a variety of conferences and classes are held to educate students and healthcare administration professionals. We strongly encourage our members to attend so throughout the year HASA seeks to raise funds to make the trip affordable for students.

HASA Executive Board


Josie Shelton


Executive Vice President

Mia Sanchilli

M. Sanchilli

Vice President of Finance

Emily Kintz


Vice President of Public Relations

Betsy Burress


Vice President of Professional Development

Jacqueline Banas

J. Banas