The College of Public Health and Health Professions maintains several listservs at the college level to serve the communication needs of various constituent groups.
General listserv policies
These rules apply to any communication sent via a PHHP listserv.
- All communications must comply with the UF Acceptable Use Policy of the university
- All communications must comply with the Communications and Listservs Policy of the Health Science Center
- Messages may not contain commercial, personal or political solicitations
- Sender’s email address must end in “”
- Subject line must include an accurate description of the topic and be clear of extraneous Forwarding (“FWD:) or Reply (“Re:”) indicators.
- Content has to be of clear interest or importance to the members of the list being used.
- Message must conclude with author’s information including name, title and affiliation
- All messages should be sent directly to the listserv address rather than to the moderator for distribution. This ensures that replies and queries are directed to the sender rather than the moderator.
- Announcements must be sent in a timely manner. An announcement for an event happening the day of the message may not be approved.
- An event may be announced more than once, but not more than three times.
For more information about a specific listserv, click on the link below:
Please note that these pages do not cover manually maintained lists for specific purposes or department-level listservs. If you have questions related to lists not addressed above, please contact IT (. or your department administrator.