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Cottler lab hosts weekly virtual happy half hours

COVID-19 has altered the way we do things, making it a challenge to remain connected. The Cottler lab has taken to Zoom to engage with their team during weekly “Happy Half Hour” meetings. What started as a way to check in with everyone in the midst of everything virtual has…

University of Florida receives NIDA training grant in addiction research

The University of Florida has received a T32 award from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to prepare pre and postdoctoral fellows for careers in research on drug use, addiction, and consequences of addiction from a population science and public health perspective. The T32 Substance Abuse Training Center in Public…

Former UF Fogarty Fellows receive grant to study suicide in Sikkim, India

As a hospital clinical psychologist working in Sikkim, a small Indian state nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, Dr. Sonam Lasopa encountered several patients who had attempted suicide. At the same time, the local media was reporting several cases of death by suicide. Yet, there were no data on…

Dr. Robert Cook Receives NIAAA T32 Training Grant

Dr. Robert L. Cook, Professor of Epidemiology and Director of the Southern HIV Alcohol Research Consortium (SHARC) and Director of the SHARC Center for Translational HIV Research together with Dr. Robert Leeman, and Dr. Robert Lucero, are pleased to announce that they have received a National Institute of Alcohol…

Department of Epidemiology Well-Represented at CPDD Annual Meeting

The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 79th Annual Scientific Meeting was held this June in Montréal, Canada. Eleven representatives from the Department of Epidemiology attended the meeting, including PhD students Amy Elliott, Verlin Joseph, Shivani Khan, Yiyang Liu, Sadaf Milani, Vicki Osborne, and Mirsada Serdarevic; post-doctoral T32…

Newest Fogarty Fellows Arrive from India

This month the Department of Epidemiology welcomed three new fellows who arrived from India the last week of October for six months of training at UF. They join two current fellows, bringing the total participating in the Fogarty International Center funded Indo-US Training Program on Non-Communicable Diseases to 18.

Two New T32 Trainees

Amy Elliott and Zachary Mannes have joined the University of Florida Substance Abuse Training Center in Public Health as pre-doc trainees.  Zach Mannes has an MS in Clinical Psychology and is currently a PhD student in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology. His research interests are biopsychosocial determinants…

UF study of drug users finds people with ADHA started using at younger age, reports T32 predoctoral fellow

The study's lead author is Eugene Dunne, a third-year doctoral student in clinical and health psychology at UF’s College of Public Health and Health Professions and a predoctoral fellow in the T32 Training Program, funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse as the University of Florida Substance Abuse Training Center in Public Health. This new training program is directed by Dr. Linda Cottler and co-directed by Dr. Sara-Jo Nixon.

T32 Welcomes First Pre Docs

The University of Florida Substance Abuse Training Center in Public Health is excited to announce the first predoctoral fellows accepted for the program. Eugene Dunne is a PhD student in the Clinical and Health Psychology program, who will work with Dr. Nicole Whitehead as his primary mentor. Eugene has…