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Fall Symposium Gratitude

by Michael Marsiske, PhD, Program Director, Graduate Education Greetings all:  On behalf of our Program Office, I want to thank you all for our incredible Fall Symposium last week.  As I said in the meeting, this remains the one time a year that people are nervous, excited, celebratory,…

🎉 2023-2024 Interns Celebrate Graduation!

On June 21st, the 2023-2024 CHP Interns culminated their year-long efforts with a festive graduation ceremony. Dr. Lori Waxenberg hosted a delightful presentation, honoring each outgoing intern for their accomplishments. Keeping with tradition, each intern received a framed photo from Dr. Waxenberg’s personal collection with words of encouragement inscribed…

2024 Spring CHP Kickball Tournament

Article and photos submitted by Dr. Duane Dede. Championship Team- Team AARP These “veterans” fueled by their naps and vitamins, turned back those eager and talented First Years in a thrilling 16-14 game.  The team was led by Hannah’s baserunning 😊 an well as epic defensive plays…

Two CHP Alumni Elected President in APA Divisions 38 and 53

The 2024 American Psychological Association (APA) division election results are just in and two Clinical and Health Psychology alumni are making national headlines. Division 38 – Society for Health Psychology President-Elect: Shawna L. Ehlers, PhD, LP Dr. Elhers is a psychologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

2024 Map Pinning Ceremony Photo Gallery

CHP celebrated the 2024 Map Pinning Ceremony on Friday, April 19th to celebrate students who will begin their internship this Summer as the final year of training in the Clinical & Health Psychology doctoral program. Please enjoy the photos below. Image Gallery Kelsey Arroyo with mentor Dr. Kathryn Ross. Kelsey…

PeCAN Recognized for Outstanding Contributions

  Congratulations to founder and director Dr. Price and the University of Florida Perioperative Cognitive Anesthesia Network team, or PeCAN, who were honored with a UF Health Shands Quality Team Award during a ceremony held on March 26 as part of the health system’s celebration of Patient Safety…

Kathryn Ross Elected as a Fellow of the Society of Behavioral Medicine

Congratulations to Kathryn Ross, Ph.D., M.P.H., on being elected as a Fellow of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM). In recognition of her outstanding contributions to the advancement of the science and practice of behavioral medicine, Dr. Ross will be honored next week at the Society of Behavioral Medicine…

Kara Eversole Receives Top Clinical Trial Research Award

Kara Eversole, a clinical neuropsychology Ph.D. student in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, presented “Unique Contribution of Brain Age Gap in Demographically Adjusted Neuropsychological Test Performance,” at the International Neuropsychological Society meeting on February 14-17 in New York City. Eversole also presented, “Longitudinal Analysis of Risk…