Explore a world of possibilities with the exciting opportunities offered by the Rehabilitation Science PhD program at the University of Florida. We provide our students access to cutting-edge research, hands-on clinical experiences, and interdisciplinary collaborations designed to advance knowledge and innovation in rehabilitation science. Discover how you can take the next step in your academic and professional journey with us.
Rehabilitation Science
Additional Opportunities
There are several recurring events that we encourage students to attend and participate in.

Neuromuscular Plasticity Nines
This lecture series is designed to facilitate interchange, understanding, and collaboration among University of Florida laboratories investigating different aspects of neuro-muscular plasticity.
Rehabilitation Science Seminar Series
This lecture series includes both local and external experts in rehabilitation related research, with a primary emphasis on neuromuscular plasticity. It is designed to foster interdisciplinary discussions and collaborations, and provides students with an opportunity to become familiar with research activities at the University of Florida and Rehabilitation Centers and Institutes across the country.
Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium
Each year, internationally renowned experts in the field of neuromuscular plasticity and rehabilitation are invited to present a platform presentation, meet with the T32 Neuromuscular Plasticity program (NMPT) trainees and faculty mentors, and provide feedback on the progress of the NMPT program.