Social and Behavioral Concentration, Public Health PhD

PHC 6193: Qualitative Data Analysis

In this course, students will learn about the different coding techniques used in qualitative research, ways to display qualitative data, and how to draw conclusions from the data and write about qualitative research for publication. Syllabus

PHC 6251: Assessment and Surveillance

This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and methods for conducting community health assessments to identify factors that affect the health of a population. Syllabus

PHC6724 Qualitative Research Methods for Public Health and Health Sciences

This course introduces students to qualitative research methods in public health and health sciences, covering the history, philosophical assumptions, research design, data collection, and analysis, while exploring its applications across fields like sociology, anthropology, and education. Syllabus

PHC 6405: Theoretical Foundations of Public Health

This course will give a thorough grounding in the major theoretical foundations of public health and the skills to apply major theories and models to real-world public health problems. Online Syllabus Campus Syllabus

PHC 6406: Social Stigma and Public Health

This course will provide a theoretical and scientific foundation for understanding the relationship between stigma and health. This will include multilevel analysis of different forms of stigma, identifying biosocial mechanisms that link stigma to poor health outcomes, and designing a public health intervention to combat stigma. Engagement with first-person accounts of stigma will supplement a focus on population health. Syllabus

PHC 6451: Building Resilience in Individuals and Communities for Public Health

This course will provide (1) an overview of resilience and how resilience-building approaches are applied in public health; (2) an examination of resilience-building efforts through a review of public health literature; and (3) the opportunity to develop a public health resilience-building intervention using the social ecological model. Syllabus

PHC 6700: Social & Behavioral Research Methods

This course is designed to provide an overview of research design, methods, and ethics for students in public health, with an emphasis on approaches used in the social and behavioral sciences. Syllabus

PHC 6704: Community-Based Participatory Research

This course provides an overview of theories, principles, and strategies associated with Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR). Syllabus

PHC 6707: Finding Health Research Information and Communicating Science

The course is designed to refine knowledge of and facility with concepts, resources, and methods of searching for, assessing, storing, and disseminating health literature and data for quality research, publication, policy formulation, and grant-seeking. Syllabus

PHC 7587: Theory Development and Testing in Behavioral & Community Public Health

The purposes of this class are to (1) familiarize students with the process of theory development, (2) allow
students the opportunity to review and orally present on a psychosocial construct(s) relevant to their own
public health research goals, and (3) allow students the opportunity to practice written and oral
communication skills. Syllabus

PHC 7907: Social and Behavioral Science Journal Club

This is a one-credit course for doctoral students and selected master’s level students. Syllabus