Cognitive And Emotion Neuroscience

This area of concentration functions as a research group with two subthemes:  (a) Cognitive neuroscience and aging; and (b) Emotion neuroscience and psychopathology, as well as integration between both emphases. For doctoral training, most of our graduate trainees pursue their Ph.D. in Psychology with a concentration in Clinical Psychology.

Emotion neuroscience and psychopathology: This emphasis integrates two related areas: 1) the basic science of emotion, as emotion is expressed in language behavior, overt action, autonomic and somatic physiology, and highlighting the investigation of mediating neural structures and circuits in the human brain. The toolkit for the emphasis consists of current, major research technologies, including methods in cognitive/computer science, the broad area of psychophysiological measurement, electroencephalography and brain imaging (e.g., MRI); and 2) Applications of emotion science in experimental psychopathology, as it relates to clinical evaluation and treatment of anxiety and mood disorders.

Cognitive neuroscience and aging: The mission of this emphasis is to conduct cutting-edge interdisciplinary clinical neuroscience and translational research on age-associated cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functioning, factors that contribute to impairments and functional decline, and future avenues for intervention. A primary objective is to translate basic science discoveries into clinical applications to slow, avert, or restore age-related cognitive decline and memory loss.

Research activity is organized according to emphasis.  For the emotion neuroscience emphasis team members participate in both the basic science laboratories of the Center for the Study of Emotion and Attention and in the Fear and Anxiety Disorders Clinic. For the cognitive neuroscience emphasis, participation is expected in the ongoing research programs of the Center for Cognitive Aging and Memory.


Ronald A Cohen
Department: Department of Clinical and Health Psychology

Ronald A Cohen Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus, Adjunct Professor
Joseph M Gullett
Department: Department of Clinical and Health Psychology

Joseph M Gullett Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Aprinda I Queen
Department: Department of Clinical and Health Psychology

Aprinda I Queen Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Michael Marsiske
Department: Department of Clinical and Health Psychology

Michael Marsiske Ph.D.

Professor & Program Director For Graduate Education
Eric S Porges
Department: Department of Clinical and Health Psychology

Eric S Porges Ph.D.

Associate Professor