MPH Admissions Response Online MPH Program MPH Online Program Admission Response Form Congratulations on being accepted to the University of Florida’s Master of Public Health program. Name* First Last Email* Will you be joining the UF MPH Program?* Yes, I want to be a Gator! Unfortunately, I must decline my acceptance Please defer my admission Which semester were you accepted?*Spring 2025Fall 2025To which semester would you like to defer?Summer 2025Fall 2025Spring 2026You can defer up to 1 year in the future.Please confirm the concentration to which you have been admitted:*Population Health Management OnlinePublic Health Practice OnlineSocial & Behavioral Sciences Onlinea. I understand that if I have not yet completed all requirements for admission, I must do so by the end of the term before my admission semester to remain eligible for admission.* Initial here.b. I will read the course policies documentation each semester, as it contains important program information and firm deadlines.* Initial here.c. I will check my UF email account regularly for information from my instructors, classmates, and program staff. I understand that all email correspondence regarding the MPH program will be through my GatorLink account. I understand that I am responsible for any correspondence missed by not checking my GatorLink email account.* Initial here.d. I understand that initiating registration after the end of regular registration will result in a $100 late registration fee. This applies in every semester.* Initial here.e. I understand that I will be fee liable for any courses still on my schedule after the end of the drop/add period. This payment responsibility will still be present even if I do not access the course site.* Initial here.f. I understand that failure to pay my tuition and fees in full by the end of the second week of the semester will result in a late payment fee of $100. Failure to make any payment at all will result in being withdrawn from the course while maintaining fee liability.* Initial here.g. I understand that failure to enroll in coursework for three or more consecutive semesters will result in having to apply for readmission to the Graduate School. The application is subject to a fee from the Admissions Office and readmission is not guaranteed.* Initial here.h. I will participate in the MPH Orientation and the Interprofessional Learning in Healthcare experience (IPLH). IPLH will be completed in my first summer semester (summer admits will complete this the following summer).* Initial here.i. I will maintain active HIPAA and Bloodborne Pathogen training through the UF myTraining system.* Initial here.j. I understand that deadlines for documents pertaining to my internship at the end of the program are non-negotiable, and failure to comply with those deadlines will result in my inability to participate in internship activities.* Initial here.k. I understand that the University of Florida requires that all degree programs be completed within 7 years.* Initial here.l. I understand that I am not to exceed the 16 courses that make up the MPH program (14 for the accelerated program), and that I must receive approval from the academic coordinator prior to registering for a course not on my plan of study.* Initial here.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.