Full-Time MHA Curriculum

The Full-Time Master of Health Administration (MHA) degree is completed during two years of study. The curriculum for the MHA consists of 21 courses totaling 57 credit hours. Students are required to complete a summer internship between their first and second year of the program. Selected students will benefit from dynamic classroom experiences, discussions, feedback and networking opportunities. All applicants must apply to and be accepted by both the Graduate School at the University of Florida and the Master of Health Administration (MHA) program.


Year 1

Semester Course Number Title Credit Hours
HSA6114 U.S. Health Care System 3
HSA6115 Introduction to Management of Health Services Organizations 3
HSA6105 Professional Skills Seminar 1
HSA6395 Healthcare Data Analytics I 3
HSA5536 Medical Terminology (online) 3
HSA5174 Fundamentals of Health Care Finance 3
HSA6126 U.S. Health Insurance System 3
HSA6196 Healthcare Data Analytics II 3
HSA6436 Health Economics 3
HSA6105 Professional Skills Seminar 1
HSA6855 Internship in Health Administration 5

Year 2

Semester Course Number Title Credit Hours
HSA6177 Health Care Finance 3
HSA6188 Strategic Management In Health Administration 3
HSA6198 Information Management in Health Administration 3
HSA6427 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Administration 3
HSA6105 Professional Skills Seminar 1
HSA6342 Human Resource Management for Health Services Managers 3
HSA6385 Performance Management for Health Care Managers 3
PHC6600 Foundations of Public Health 3
HSA6105 Professional Skills Seminar 1
HSA6939 Capstone Seminar in Health Administration 3

Course Descriptions

HSA 5174: Fundamentals of Health Care Finance (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Introduction to basic theory and principles of finance as applied to the health care industry. Financial statements, cost measurement, budgeting, and capital investment decisions.

HSA 6105-Professional Skills Seminar (1; max: 2) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Presentations by speakers from health-related organizations and programs designed to improve career planning and professional skills. S/U.

HSA 6114-Intro to the U.S. Health Care System (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Overview of structural elements of contemporary system. Historical antecedents, patients, providers, payers, and role of health policy.

HSA 6115-Intro to Management of Health Services Organizations (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Overview of mission, environment, and organizational design of health services organizations, with emphasis on organizational relationships with the external environment. Organizational design, structure, stakeholder analysis, and multi-organizational forms.

HSA 6126-The U.S. Health Insurance System (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Description and analysis of the U.S. health insurance system. Topics include private vs. public insurers, demand for health insurance, health plan types, premium setting, reimbursement of providers.

HSA 6177-Health Care Finance (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Application of accounting and financial management theory and principles to the health care industry, emphasis on provider organizations.

HSA 6188-Strategic Management in Health Administration (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Relationship of health care organizations to their environment. Strategic management processes, business planning, and other perspectives to aid in managing complex health care organizations.

HSA 6196-Healthcare Data Analytics II (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. This course focuses on the use of data analytics in health care decision-making to help health services organizations get more effectiveness and efficiency from their operations. Specific topics to be covered include process flow, simulation, decision-making, quality improvement, forecasting, capacity management, project management, and inventory management.

HSA 6198- lnformation Management in Health Administration (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Survey of management information systems. Analysis of system requirements, system design, evaluation, and selection of computer resources, and management of the implementation process.

HSA 6342-Human Resource Management for Health Services Managers (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Knowledge and skills needed for effective management in complex health services organizations. Focus on human resource acquisition, retention, and exit, as well as labor relations issues.

HSA 6385-Performance Management for Health Care Managers (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Overview, emphasis on implementation. Aspects of quality defined in relation to structure, process, and outcomes. Managerial quality improvement and formal change process techniques related to changing practice behavior in various settings.

HSA 6395-Healthcare Data Analytics I (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor.  This course is an introduction to the use of data analytics in health care decision-making to help health services organizations get more effectiveness and efficiency from their operations.

HSA 6427-Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Administration (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Corporate theory, consent to care, malpractice, liability, and other special legal problems in the health care field. Foundations of ethical analysis. Ethical and legal issues related to human reproduction, genetics, the definition of death, and other topics of current interest.

HSA 6436-Health Economics (3) Fundamental economic relations governing production, consumption, reimbursement, and financing of health services. Characteristics of markets for acute and long-term care services, insurance, and health care labor. An economic evaluation of technology.

HSA 6855-Internship in Health Administration
 (5) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Supervised fieldwork in health administration setting.

HSA 6939-Capstone Seminar in Health Administration (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. An integrative learning experience drawing on all disciplines and subject matter presented in the MHA program to complete a comprehensive team project in a health-related organization.

PHC 6600-Foundations of Public Health (3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. The purpose of the course is to provide a broad introduction to public health and how it is related to health care administration.

HSC 5536-Medical Terminology (3) online. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Students learn proper medical and scientific terminology used within the context of human anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Writing and pronunciation exercises help the students develop a command of medical terms by understanding the roots and suffixes of words used in the realm of science and medicine