The Public Health Certificate with an emphasis in Community Health Management includes courses that will build a foundation in public health with a focus on its application in the field of community health. It is comprised of courses that focus on public health communication, management of healthcare systems and understanding the current trends in healthcare.
Successful completion of this certificate will be denoted on a student’s transcript by “Completed Graduate Certificate in Public Health.” A paper certificate with the same notation will be mailed to the students home 8-12 weeks after final grades are posted.
Features of the Graduate Certificate in Public Health
- can be completed in 3-5 semesters
- consists of 5 courses of 3 credits each
- requires students to maintain a 3.0 GPA and have no grades lower than a “C”
- requires a final exam covering the 10 Essential Services of Public Health
- courses in this certificate program may be transferred into the University of Florida’s Master of Public Health (MPH) program upon admission with a B or better grade, provided that the courses were completed less than 7 years prior.
Applicants will choose their specific plan of study and course schedule when completing the departmental application. Schedules can be found on our Course Schedule page.
Course Descriptions and Syllabi
HSA 6114 Introduction to US Healthcare Systems
Description: The course provides an overview of the structure of the healthcare delivery system and policy. It encompasses organization structure, workforce, healthcare cost, diverse healthcare delivery models, health policy and technology.
PHC 6410 Psychological, Behavioral, and Social Issues in Public Health
Description: This course will provide foundational knowledge of the major social and behavioral science models and theories, and will guide students in the application of these theories to real-world public health challenges.
PHC 6195 Health Information for Diverse Populations: Theory & Methods
Description: This is an introductory course; as such, we will be examining basic concepts and social scientific research in persuasive communication to gain an understanding of how individuals process and respond to public health information.
Pick 2 of the following courses:
PHC 6104 Evidence-Based Management of Public Health Programs
Description: This course provides practical guidance on how to monitor achievement of a program’s objectives, gather information and evidence of the program’s effectiveness, and determine a program’s impact in public health settings.
HSA 6115 Introduction to Management of Health Service Organizations
Description: Organizational principles and practices as applied to management. This course covers organizational theory, managerial role, managing groups, work design, and organization design.
PHC 6251 Assessment and Surveillance in Public Health
Description: This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and methods for conducting community health assessments to identify factors that affect the health of a population.
- Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Public Health is not an admission to the UF Graduate School.
- Credits from other universities cannot be transferred into this certificate program.
For more information, please check out our FAQs or specific program contacts below.
For information about certificate eligibility, admission, or the application process, please contact Brittany Gibson.
For information about registration, courses, designing a plan of study, or transitioning from the Certificate in Public Health to the UF MPH program, please contact Telisha Martin.