Global Health

Program Overview

There is an increasing awareness that universities can play an active role in addressing existing and emerging global health problems. These problems are interdisciplinary and dynamic. Addressing them effectively requires engaging researchers and professionals from a wide range of fields. Faculty and graduate students from across the UF campus are actively involved in research and training closely related to global health, including public health, medicine, veterinary medicine, agricultural sciences, dentistry, pharmacy, social sciences, engineering, biology, geography, business, and more.

Course Requirements

A total of 12 graduate credits are needed for this certificate. All students must take a course on the fundamentals of global health (PHC 6764 Global Health and Development I, or an approved substitute). Any substitutions need to be approved in advance and would need to provide the student with an introduction to the range of global health threats and an ability to assess the effect of social, economic, and environmental factors on their distribution.

In addition, students must take a total of 9 credits approved by the certificate advisory committee. Number of course credits are in parenthesis.

  • AFH3931 Special Topics: History and Anthropology of Health & Medicine in Africa (3)
  • AFH3931 Special Topics: History Health and Anthropology of Mental Health and Madness (3)
  • AFS6357 Anthropology of Humanitarian Intervention (3)
  • ANG6304/ANT4930/ WST6935 6935 Gender and International Development (3)
  • ANG5702/ANT4930 Anthropology and Development (3)
  • ANG6930 Special Topics: Feminist Anthropology (3)
  • ANG5531 Culture and Nutrition (3)
  • ANG6930 Special topics: Maternal Health and Nutrition (1–3)
  • ANG6930 Special topics: Anthropology and Global Health (1–3)
  • ANG6930 Special topics: Gender-Based Violence (1–3)
  • ANG6407 Sickness and Power (3)
  • CLAS6943 Development Theory & Practice in Latin America (3-6)
  • GEO6471 Introduction to Medical Geography (3)
  • HSC6625 Trends in International Health (3)
  • LAS 6045: Gender and Empowerment in Development Practice
  • LAS6943/AFS 6305 Global Classroom: Development Theory and Practice, Latin Am. & Africa (3)
  • PHC6937 Special Topics: Public Health and Medical Anthropology in El Salvador (1-6)
  • PHC6937 Global Health Seminar (1-3)
  • PHC6937: Global Health Disparities (3)
  • PHC7307 Quantitative Assessment of Environmental Health Impacts (3)
  • PHC6937 Clinical and Public Health Management of Diarrheal Disease Outbreaks (3-4)
  • PHC6937 Independent Research in Global Health (1-3)
  • PHC6520 Introduction to Foodborne Disease (3)
  • PHC6762 International Public Health (3)
  • URP6610 International Development Planning (3)
  • VEM6969 Topics in International Shelter Medicine (3)
  • VME6934 Special Topics: Research in International Health (1–4)

Up to three credits come from a field practicum in global health if approved by the certificate advisory committee.

The courses must be selected to meet the following distributional requirements:

  • At least one course should be outside of the student’s primary department or area of specialization and expose the student to a new methodological approach.
  • At least one course should provide added expertise on a particular category of global health threats (e.g., nutrition, mental health, vector-borne disease, water and sanitation, emerging infectious diseases).

Apply Here

The University of Florida offers many certificate programs that enable students to learn advanced skills in a specialized course of study. Certificate programs have fewer courses and requirements than a degree program. In the certificate application process, the Office of Admissions must receive all of the following materials and complete a review before your application can be referred to our department:

  • Determination of satisfactory conduct record
  • Application fee payment of $30, plus a $7 processing fee
  • Validation of transcripts and previous degrees
  • Verification of residency classification

If you wish to apply to this certificate program, please fill out the form below. Additionally, for currently enrolled UF students, apply here. You will need your GatorLink username and password to apply. For non-UF, new students, apply here.

Once you have applied, please notify us via email .

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