Message From The Chair

Steve Kimmel, department chair

Welcome to the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Florida! We are a premier department in one of the top public universities in the country. Our mission is to make scientific discoveries, educate others, and provide service so that we improve the health of the population. We do this through the practice of consequential epidemiology.

We are uniquely able to meet our mission because we are positioned in both the College of Public Health and Health Professions and the College of Medicine. This arrangement offers strong synergies and collective strength, including exceptional exposure to diverse expertise.

Our faculty perform cutting-edge research that spans the breadth of epidemiology and includes foci in infectious disease, cardiovascular, genetic, causal, psychiatric, cancer, substance abuse, environmental, and artificial intelligence epidemiology. Our Center for Genetic Epidemiology and Bioinformatics (GeneBio) performs cutting edge research in genetic epidemiology, including high-dimensional omics research and identification of novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets for human aging and age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, mental illness, Alzheimer’s disease, and related disorders. Our Southern HIV and Alcohol Research Consortium (SHARC) works to improve health and to reduce HIV transmission among people affected by HIV and alcohol.

We are committed to training the next generation of scientists. We run several educational programs, including a PhD in Epidemiology, a Master of Science in Epidemiology, an Epidemiology Concentration in the Master of Public Health program, and a Certificate in Psychiatric Epidemiology. We also teach epidemiology to undergraduates at UF.

Our faculty and students provide service to our local community. HealthStreet, a community engagement program, deploys students and Community Health Workers to help bridge the gap between community members and the resources available to them, including medical and social services and opportunities to participate in research. We have been instrumental in the fight against COVID-19. For example, our faculty oversee the UF Screen, Test & Protect initiative that uses public health guidance and best practices to foster a culture of care for our community while taking steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 at the University of Florida. Our students serve as volunteers to assist with testing and vaccination in the local community.

I am honored to serve as Chair of a department with a mission to improve the health of the population and with people who work every day to meet this mission. I hope you can take a moment to look around our website to see all of the great things we are doing. Please let us know if we can provide you with any other information.

Stephen Kimmel, MD, MSCE
Dean’s Professor and Chair, Department of Epidemiology