With environmental change and pressures on a global scale (i.e. climate, deforestation, increasing population) infectious diseases are finding new ways to re-emerge. Faculty in the department are using several approaches to study vector-borne diseases of humans and animals and how the environment influences the transmission, distribution, and environmental fate, of high priority global pathogens. The approaches implemented span molecular microbiology to human surveillance trials.
Focus areas include respiratory arboviruses and waterborne pathogens (V. Cholerae) with expertise in environmental and human surveillance, genetics, and molecular microbiology.
Solving Mysteries of Sexually Transmitted Infections
“Our work underscores the important role international travel plays in the spread of emerging bacterial pathogens and the potential risk to human health and effective treatment.”

On the Hunt for Viruses
“We need to minimize the risks of airborne infections in mass gathering sites, such as classrooms, markets, and nightclubs.”

Emergence of Massive Cholera Outbreak in Haiti, October 2010
“Cholera can strike anywhere in the world, requiring preparedness on a global scale to mitigate disease burden.”

Improving the Health of Poor Communities in Bangladesh using Human-Centered Design
“A primary need in developing countries is to improve epidemiologic response to infectious disease outbreaks.”

Finding Solutions Using the One Health Approach
“To ensure success in solving complex issues, you have to leave egos at the door and remain focused and committed to your end goal, which — for me — is to save lives and prevent the emergence of new threats and diseases.”

Deploying novel surveillance techniques to track emerging infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance
“Our team combines novel field and laboratory techniques to track emerging infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance at the human, animal, and environmental interface.”