Undergraduate Research Volunteer Instructions

Prior to beginning volunteer service, all students are required to complete and submit the documents below:

  1. Record of Volunteer Service Form .
    1. Supervisor must fill out Section 2.
    2. End date should reflect the entirety of the volunteer position throughout the end of the year. If not, these forms are required on a per semester basis or each time the end date passes.
  2. Emergency Contact Form
  3. HIPAA General Awareness PRV800 certificate of completion
  4. UF Confidentiality Statement
  5. Supervisors should upload documents 1-4 to the CHP HR Action Request Form all at one time. Brenda Krames will provide a Letter of Acceptance to each volunteer once they have been entered into the UF system as such.
  6. Only once you have received the Letter of Acceptance can you request to be registered for credits of CLP 3911.

CHP HR Action Request Form

Follow these instructions to register for CLP 3911Introduction to Clinical Research:

Students who wish to receive course credit for volunteer research work must do so during the designated registration periods only. The last chance to register for these credits in a given semester is during the drop/add period of that given semester.

  1. If you will be registering for credits of CLP 3911 Introduction to Clinical Research, complete the CHP Enrollment Request form.
  2. When filling out the form, you must attach two files.
  3. Upload the Letter of Acceptance, see above.
  4. You must also upload a brief statement from your research supervisor. This should outline a description of the research work you will be doing and their approval that you will register for X amount of credits in the given term. This can be a screenshot/pdf of an email exchange.
  5. If BOTH of these documents are not uploaded, you will not be registered for the course.

CHP Enrollment Request

Patient Contact Forms

If you will be in contact with patients, you must also complete a health assessment and the forms listed under “Patient Contact” found here:

Patient Contact

  1. Pre-placement Screening Patient Contact Form
  2. N-95 Respirators Medical History Questionnaire
  3. TB Surveillance Form

Contact Brenda Krames, who will submit the INOP form that alerts the Student Health Care Center (SHCC) that a patient contact assessment is needed. Once INOP has been submitted, the volunteer will be notified they can call the SHCC to set up their appointment time and given further instruction. Please be aware the department will not be responsible for volunteer health assessment charges.

Please be aware the department will not be responsible for volunteer health assessment charges.