On behalf of the University of Florida Department of Environmental and Global Health, we would like to extend our gratitude to Dr. Tara Sabo-Attwood for serving as our department chair for the past 10 years.
Since joining the EGH team as an associate professor in 2010, Dr. Sabo-Attwood has made strides in contributing her time, expertise and dedication to the department.

Throughout her career with the EGH department, Dr. Sabo-Attwood led laboratory groups, contributed invaluable research, taught several classes and left a lasting mark on her students.
Taking over as chair a decade ago, she has turned the department into one of the strongest environmental departments in the country.
Dr. Sabo-Attwood has accepted a position to lead the University of South Carolina as the dean of the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina beginning Aug. 1. Our faculty and former students would like to offer words of appreciation in honor of Dr. Sabo-Attwood’s departure.
Question: How has Dr. Tara Sabo-Attwood impacted your time with the EGH department?
Dr. Michael von Fricken, EGH professor and One Health Center of Excellence Director: I first met Tara back in 2011, when she hired me as a graduate assistant. I remember thinking, “Woah, I’m lucky to have such a cool boss.” Fast forward 13 years, and my feelings haven’t changed. Tara has been a great leader, mentor and friend. While I’m sad to lose such a fantastic colleague, I’m happy knowing she’s shaping the next generation of public health.
Thomas “Alex” Weppelman, former student: She inherited a department in crisis and made it thrive. She created an atmosphere of compassion for students that allowed us to focus on our studies and excel.
Dr. Anthony Maurelli, EGH professor: “Grateful” is the word that Tara used in her goodbye email. I return the sentiment by saying that I am grateful to have had Tara as my chair, colleague and friend. While she will no longer be my chair, she will continue to be a colleague and will always be a friend.
Amber Barnes, former student: I was fortunate to complete my Ph.D. in Public Health in the Department of Environmental and Global Health while Dr. Sabo-Attwood was a faculty member and then transitioned to the chair. She effortlessly juggled the many roles inherent to research, teaching, administration and student support while maintaining a wonderful sense of humor, compassion and empathy. I aspire to balance a fraction of these things as graciously as she has done. I can only imagine the many ways she will be inspiring a new generation of students, faculty and staff in her next role. Best wishes!
Dr. Joseph Bisesi, EGH associate professor, chair and Ph.D. program director: I could probably list Tara’s accomplishments during her tenure as chair including more than doubling the faculty, exponentially increasing research funding, implementing wellness programs and increasing the prominence and rigor of our academic programs. But one area that I think has always stood out to all of us was Tara’s unwavering dedication to the students of EGH. She has worked tirelessly to ensure they were always supported, had a voice, and had opportunities and resources to flourish during their time with us. We congratulate you on this exciting new opportunity. And though you may be leaving EGH, you will always be a part of this department through the impact you made on so many of us.

Thank you for everything you do, Dr. Sabo-Attwood, and we wish you the best in your next endeavors.