Sherrilene Classen to lead pre-conference institutes at AOTA INSPIRE 2024

Sherrilene Classen
Sherrilene Classen

Sherrilene Classen, Ph.D., M.P.H., OTR/L, FAOTA, FGSA, professor and chair of the department of occupational therapy will lead two six-hour pre-conference institutes on March 20 as part of the American Occupational Therapy Association, or AOTA, INSPIRE 2024 Annual Conference & Expo in Orlando, Florida.

Classen will lead “Innovative Research and Demonstration Projects to improve access to care and promote independent living for Veterans residing in rural areas.”

This pre-conference institute will cover Office of Rural Health, or ORH, sponsored occupational therapy research and demonstration projects for veterans in rural areas.

Learning objectives include:

  • To inform participants of innovative research and demonstration projects conducted among veterans in rural areas.
  • To invite participants to engage in the ORH initiatives as collaborators, principal investigators or clinicians who want to replicate model programs.

Additional primary speakers include Keith Myers, D.P.T., Sergio Romero, Ph.D., and Frederica O’Donnell, O.T.D.

In a second pre-conference institute, Classen serves as the primary speaker for “Best evidence, best clinical practice, and best real-world applications of autonomous vehicles and robots for people with and without disabilities.”

The presentation will address the opportunities and challenges associated with autonomous vehicles and robots for mobility vulnerable road users.

Learning objectives include:

  • Inform participants on the best evidence and real-world applications of multi-modal autonomous vehicles and how people engage with these technologies. 
  • Discuss best practices in implementing AV technologies among clinicians, collaborators, researchers, and students who want to use them with clients.