Professor Beth Gibson received a Lifetime Honorary Membership Award from the Association of Driver Rehabilitation Specialists (ADED) at their annual banquet on October 2, 2023. The award recognizes longtime members who have served for 10 or more years in leadership positions. Professor Gibson, a 27-year member of ADED has served at the state chapter level and at the national level as chair of the Publications committee and as Executive Board Secretary. She currently serves on the Research, Professional Development and Publications committees as well as the speaker’s bureau. She was the 2019 recipient of the Volunteer Award, a competitive award which recognizes those who have contributed an exemplary and sustained level of dedication, service, leadership, and impact on the organization. She has presented numerous educational programs at national conferences including the 2023 ADED National Conference in Kansas City, MO. She has been a mentor to many in the field over the years. Professor Gibson teaches in the Graduate Certificate in Driver Rehabilitation Therapy Program and manages the UF SmartDriver™ Rehab program.