On March 23-24, the Department of Physical Therapy in the College of Public Health and Health Professions held its annual Neuromuscular Plasticity research symposium. The two-day event to concluded with presentations from our T32 trainees.

The Neuromuscular Plasticity symposium brings together renowned experts in the field of neuromuscular plasticity and rehabilitation, faculty mentors, and trainees. During the symposium, T32 trainees in the Neuromuscular Plasticity Training (NMPT) and the Breathing Research and Therapeutics (BREATHE) Training programs presented a six minute “data-blitz” and fielded questions and feedback regarding their research.
The T32 Neuromuscular Plasticity Training Program, is funded by the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research and is a pre-doctoral training program which emphasizes the interaction and joint training of rehabilitation clinicians and basic scientists with a common interest in translational research in neuromuscular plasticity.
The Breathe Research and Therapeutics (BREATHE) Training Program, also funded by the NIH, combines strength in basic science and translational research to educate pre-doctoral and post-doctoral trainees to develop a unique cohort of researchers with strong foundations in respiratory neuromuscular biology and translational research.