CHP is Basking in the Glow of Teaching Superstars

Award winners

Fall 2022 student rankings have been reviewed and five Clinical and Health Psychology faculty members have been recognized by Dean Beth Virnig for providing an excellent learning experience and receiving student rankings of 4.8 or higher for their courses.

For Fall 2022, The Excellence in Teaching Award goes to:

Joy Gabrielli, Ph.D. for CLP 7934: Child and Family Treatment

Deidra Pereira, Ph.D. for CLP7934: Advanced Psychotherapy

Jared Tanner, Ph.D. for CLP7934: Clinical and Functional Neuroanatomy

Sarah Westen, Ph.D. for CLP4302: Intro Clinical Psychology

Brenda Wiens, Ph.D. for CLP6476: Lifespan Psychopathology

Thank you all for your strong commitment to student learning and providing an excellent learning experience for our students.