On December 8th, the College of Public Health and Health Professions held its annual holiday celebration. Several members from the Department of Physical Therapy were recognized with distinguished honors and awards.

Saxton Receives 2022 Employee of the Year Award
Congratulations to Jenna Saxton on receiving the 2022 Employee of the Year award at the college’s annual holiday celebration, on December 8. Saxton is the Assistant Director of Administrative Services for the Department of Physical Therapy.
“Jenna is credited with a transformative and positive departmental shift because of her exceptional skills in building a cohesive team and increasing collaborations between staff and faculty. One nominator noted that she ‘has high expectations of her staff and they continuously deliver because Jenna always takes the time needed to train and develop people.’ Jenna has also applied her exceptional organizational skills to improve departmental efficiencies across multiple areas, such as workflow and fiscal management, and onboarding protocols. Jenna is described as being a ‘major asset in all aspects by proactively assessing and identifying issues that can be improved, coming up with innovative and creative ways to make things happen, and then setting processes in place for continued oversight and sustained success.’ Perhaps one nominator said it best: Jenna ‘sets an example of what an exemplary work ethic is to the point where others want to emulate her actions to be the best version of themselves as employees.’”
The department is proud to have had two consecutive years where our distinguished employees have received this honor. Saxton was one of two recipients chosen for this year’s award. The college also recognized Lior Flum, an instructional designer in the dean’s office.
PT faculty and staff receive service awards
Various faculty and staff from the department of physical therapy were recognized for their distinguished years of service in the college in the following categories:
- 5 Years: Samuel Riehl, Judy Schack-Dugre, PT, DPT, MBA, EdD (Director of Clinical Education) Dawn Stewart (Research Administrator), William Triplett (Computer Programmer), Rebecca Wilcocks (Research Assistant Professor)
- 10 Years: Jason Beneciuk, PT, DPT, PhD, MPH (Research Associate Professor), Emily Fox, PT, PhD (Research Associate Professor, Neuromuscular Research Director)
- 15 Years: Amy Ladendorf (Associate Director of Education) and Dorian Rose, PT, PhD, MS (Research Associate Professor)
- 20 Years: Mark Bishop, PT, PhD (Associate Professor and Program Director, Doctor of Physical Therapy)