Despite drizzly weather conditions, on Saturday, July 16, 2022, there was a great turn-out of friends, colleagues, and family members to honor Dr. Russell Bauer for his 42 years of outstanding career accomplishments for the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology. Guests were treated to a delicious feast catered by the honoree’s personal favorite, Hill’s BBQ, as well as a delightful character roast emceed by Drs. Aliya Snyder and Breton Asken.
The festivities began with a warm welcome to all from Dr. David Janicke, CHP’s Chair. The early evening celebration was a mix of laughter, tears, and ‘Cheers’ to our esteemed Emeritus faculty member. There were recorded messages from colleagues, including Dean Perri, and several guest speakers live and via Zoom. Delightful and inspiring memories were shared, not the least of which were accounts of arm-wrestling to help decide those important career decisions among colleagues. Dr. Duane Dede closed the enjoyable evening, offering accolades to the planning committee members.
The celebration continued throughout the week as leftovers were enjoyed by the faculty and staff members of CHP in the 3rd floor break area.
Thank you Dr. Bauer, for all of the outstanding contributions you have made to the college and department as an organization, but also the positive impact you have had with the multitudes of faculty, staff, and students during your career.
The planning committee members for this event were: Duane Dede, Dawn Bowers, Aliyah Snyder, Kristin Hamlet, Zac Houck, and Brenda Krames.

Event photos: