Rehabilitation Science PhD students, Raghuveer Chandrashekhar (Mentor: Dr. Hongwu Wang) and Carlyn Ellison (Mentors: Drs. Sherrilene Classen and Linda Struckmeyer), placed 1st and 2nd (respectively) at the 2022 Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR) Robert A. Levitt Awards for Student Research on Aging at Oak Hammock. The event featured 16 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows’ concurrent poster presentations. Raghuveer and Carlyn were selected among five finalists in the competition.
The final round was held on April 8th involving each competitor giving a brief oral presentation followed by a Q&A session. Carlyn presented on Identifying threats to home safety and accessibility of older adults with pets, and Raghuveer presented on the Feasibility and effectiveness of a wearable focal vibration device for older adults with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This competition allowed our students to practice effectively conveying their research to an interested community audience.
Congrats to Raghuveer and Carlyn!