Hi everyone! My name is Gianna DeMeo and I am a senior in the Bachelor of Health Science program with a minor in Disabilities in Society. My goal is to graduate from the University of Florida and attend an occupational graduate school program. I am from Caldwell, New Jersey and after all of my schooling I plan on living in the New Jersey/New York area.
Coming to the University of Florida, I was undecided in my major. After taking some courses, I realized I wanted to find a major that would encompass my passion of helping others. Soon after, I discovered the Bachelor of Health Science program and the pre-OT track. Occupational therapy was not something unfamiliar to me. Both of my sisters have been seeing an occupational therapist for a few years, but I never really knew anything about it. After taking some time to shadow a few therapists, I realized that occupational therapy was exactly what I was looking for.
My experiences in the Bachelor of Health Science program has led me to several opportunities to expand on both my interest in occupational therapy and passion for working with children with disabilities. During my sophomore year, I was able to work with Gator Pals. Within this organization, groups of students were able to attend a physical education class with children that had varying abilities. Being with these children made me learn so much about all different types of disabilities and emphasized how different a disability can resonate in one person.
Another great opportunity I had was Baby Gator. Baby Gator started as a volunteer opportunity that I needed to fulfill for a class grade, but after being there for just a few hours, I realized what a great opportunity I had there. At Baby Gator, I spent time with children of all ages and was able to assist in their educational developmental growth.
Because of the Bachelor of Health Science program, I have not only been given an incredible network for opportunities and a great education, but also a group of people that I can rely on. The friends I have made through the Bachelor of Health Science program have been a major support system and I have found that these are the people I have the most in common with in all aspects of life. To be surrounded by a group of people who truly care about the well-being of themselves and others is a phenomenal feeling.
I am sincerely grateful to be surrounded by such an intelligent and driven group of individuals. The Bachelor of Health Science program has granted me the opportunity of a lifetime. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions about the programs or anything I have mentioned at giannademeo@ufl.edu. Go Gators!